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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition that affects many women. It is a problem with the ovaries. It is something which may not show any obvious symptoms as some of them can be caused by other things or they may just be ignored or seen as normal.


There are three main features of which women will have two of to be diagnosed. They may have cysts around their ovaries, no eggs released from the ovaries and/or a high level of male hormones.
  • The cysts are underdeveloped follicles which contain undeveloped eggs. They often cannot release an egg at all. Women can have cysts anyway but a large number will indicate that they have this condition. It is possible to have PCOS and normal looking ovaries and also to have it and have no symptoms.
  • These things can cause a selection of symptoms. They may have excessive body hair, light and irregular periods, acne, weight gain, infertility and hair loss form the head.
  • As the symptoms are not always apparent or considered to be a problem, then it is not always obvious that there is a problem and therefore the condition may go undiagnosed until a woman starts to try to get pregnant and cannot.


The cause of PCOS is not actually known although there are a number of risk factors. These include a family history, not just of PCOS but also of high cholesterol and diabetes. Overweight women also have a higher risk of getting it.

It is felt that insulin has an influence as many women with PCOS have extra high levels of it. Being overweight can cause extra insulin to be produced and the insulin can cause the release of male hormones.


There is not one treatment, but a number of suggestions may be made. Overweight women may be asked to lose weight, although this will not be easy and may not eliminate the problem. To regulate periods, a contraceptive pill may be given, which can also help hair growth. Medication can be given to improve ovulation if the woman wants to try to have a child. Some women can be given medication to lower their blood sugar, if it is getting too high.

If a woman does not get treated then it could lead to problems in later life. It may mean that she will not be able to have children. It can be best to get the treatment when she is younger or at least the diagnosis so that appropriate measures can be taken when she does want children.
Infertility can be a difficult thing. If you keep trying for a baby and do not get medical help then it can be a depressing time. To have the support of your GP or a consultant, can make things a lot easier. It may be necessary to have fertility treatment, but at least knowing that this is a possibility, can make the whole business of trying to get pregnant, a lot easier. 

Author Bio
Kristine is passionate blogger who occasionally contributes resourceful articles to Medisato.

License: Image author owned 
"In 2010, there was a breakthrough in breast imaging technology called 3-D breast tomosynthesis that was approved by the FDA."

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for women, regardless of race or background. Many women die of breast cancer because a diagnosis was not made in time. Oftentimes, the reasons for a delayed diagnosis is because many women fail to get an annual mammogram, or the medical equipment cannot detect every abnormality. Medical research is constantly developing new breast imaging solutions to improve earlier detection of breast cancer. In 2010, there was a breakthrough in breast imaging technology called 3-D breast tomosynthesis that was approved by the FDA for use in conjunction with traditional mammogram technology. Currently, the 3-D breast imaging device is used in 46 states. 

How Does It Work?

Typically, mammograms are performed using 2-D breast imaging equipment that is not visually powerful enough to view or detect every abnormality. In fact, 20 percent of certain breast cancers are not detected by 2-D imaging. In 2-D breast imaging, some lesions are hidden by breast tissues that resemble the lesions.

The development of 3-D digital breast tomosynthesis is intended to take mammography to a different level, by catching the abnormalities not visible in 2-D breast imaging. Three-dimensional tomosynthesis is designed to decrease the view of excessive breast tissues, shadows and distortions, while isolating the lesion, which will detect breast cancers in its beginning stages. The principles of operation are similar to those of 2-D imaging. A breast is compressed between a bottom layer called a “detector housing” and an upper layer called a “compression paddle.” An x-ray tube makes an arc motion across the breast, acquiring images from various angles. A computer transforms the multiple images into 3-D, and then each image is reproduced into thin, tiny “slices” measuring 1 millimeter. 


Many physicians and radiologists are optimistic about 3-D breast tomosynthesis because of its various benefits for their patients and themselves. In fact, researchers believe there are greater risks involved if patients do not use it. This digitally-enhanced breast imaging technique minimizes the visibility of breast tissues and highlights more suspicious lesions for earlier cancer detection. Additionally, it takes less time to read compared to conventional mammography. 

Unlike 2-D imaging, the accuracy of 3-D technology ensures fewer patients are recalled to take another mammogram or other tests, like ultrasounds, because an unidentifiable abnormality was discovered; therefore, eliminating anxiety, inconvenience and extra medical costs. 


Like any new advancement in medical technology, 3-D breast tomosynthesis has its potential risks. One major risk is that many insurance companies may not want to cover it since the procedure is fairly new. This procedure is very expensive for patients to pay out-of-pocket. 

Another important risk factor is the amount of radiation patients are exposed to. Radiation is known for causing breast cancer. Since the 3-D imaging device has to be used with 2-D imaging, some physicians believe the combined radiation exposure could increase patients risk of breast cancer. In recent years, researchers have expressed concerns about radiation from medical imaging. However, some physicians feel the radiation exposure will be reduced because the 3-D accuracy will allow lesions to be detected the first time without patients having to redo a mammogram, furthering their exposure to radiation. 

Many new medical tests and equipment are rushed onto the medical scene without thorough testing. Consumers should approach any new medical technology with a hint of skepticism, especially when their health is involved.

This post was written by Kendra Quentin, a patient of the breast imaging procedure. She went to http://www.augmentationmammaire-montreal.com/en/index.html for helpful information on the topic. They also perform breast augmentation Montreal and other procedures.
"Some women may experience pregnancy symptoms, but they are not actually pregnant. These types of symptoms are called as hysterical pregnancy or pseudocyesis."

pregnant silhouette
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Some women may experience pregnancy symptoms, but they are not actually pregnant. These types of symptoms are called as hysterical pregnancy or pseudocyesis.

What causes false pregnancy symptoms?

Experts say that it may be caused, due to the changes in the endocrine system. These changes may lead to psychological or physical symptoms of pregnancy. Many women falsely conclude that they are pregnant. These symptoms are so realistic and may last even longer than 9 months.  

In some cases, both mental and physical health condition contributes to this phenomenon.  Women who are suffering from severe depression or ovarian tumors are affected by this issue. In such circumstances, the hormone levels get elevated and they don’t get menstruation.

Psychosomatic issues can also cause these problems. It happens in women who are mentally obsessed to become pregnant. In such a case, the brain creates some changes in their body. These types of changes are activated due to distress maybe because of the death of the spouse and multiple miscarriages. Sometimes it is difficult for the doctors to deal with such people, because they won’t accept the fact that their pregnancy is not a real one.

False pregnancy symptoms

This kind of problem occurs rarely and issues related to false child birth have been reported during 300 BC, even.  The signs and symptoms of this issue are very similar to that of pregnant women.  
This makes them believe that they are pregnant. Sometimes menstrual problem may cause engorged feeling in the abdomen and other signs actually persuade her to think that she is expecting. Some of the symptoms that are seen in women with pseudocyesis are:
  • Breasts part becomes engorged
  • Hormone level in the body gets elevated
  • Craving for food
  • Sometimes widening of the abdomen also takes place
  • Morning sickness
  • Women stop menstruating during pseudocyesis
  • Weight gain
  • Nausea
The women who are diagnosed with such problem can even feel a fetal movement and in rare cases, milk production is also seen. The only way to get rid of this problem is through medical treatment.  It is good to find out the real cause of it and to get treatment based on the problem.

Treating the problem

The psychological issue is the main cause of such problem and women who are affected due to such kind of issues are:
  • Those who are not emotionally stable regarding the pregnancy are easily affected by false pregnancy symptoms.
  • It affects people who are in their 40’s and trying for so many years to conceive. They suffer from certain infertility problems.
  • Death of a child or miscarriage will also trigger this.
Possible treatment for this issue is to fix an appointment with the psychotherapist, which may help you to cope with the situation better. The doctor may suggest you to have an ultrasound scan to see whether there is an active fetus in the womb or not. Get treated, if you are suffering from anxiety, stress, and depression disorder.

The false pregnancy symptoms can be alleviated by certain pregnancy test and examination.  It is vital for every woman to keep their mind and body strong to stay away from such problems.

This article was written by Alexsey. If you liked this post on physical issues that trigger false positive pregnancy test, you might surely want to check out our http://centerpregnancy.com/ today for related information.

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When you are pregnant you are told that you should create a birthing plan, this can be quite confusing as you may struggle to understand what goes inside this plan. A birth plan is basically a record of what you would like to happen during your labour and after the birth. It is a good idea to create a birth plan as it will also give you the chance to speak to your midwife about what happens during labour; it will also give your midwife a chance to understand your wants and needs.

What Goes In Your Birth Plan?

Your birth plan has to be very personal to you and be based on your specific needs. Your birth plan should be focused on your medical history, circumstances, and what is available at your maternity service. When you go into labour, the midwife in charge is likely to ask you for your birthing plan, they will then use this to base any decisions they need to make.
You should be aware that what you have written in your birth plan won’t be carried out if complications arise or something you have requested is not available, the midwife in charge will make a safe decision with you and your baby’s best interests at heart.

What You Need To Consider

There are many things that you need to consider when creating your birth plan. Labour is not always straight forward so this is why birth plans are created so that your health, wishes and baby can be put first. Some things that you may wish to consider putting into your birth plan are:

Pain Relief

There are many different pain relief options, in your birth plan you should make a note of what pain relief you would to use if you need any and what pain relief you do not want to use.


Some women will choose the place that they want to give birth, this may be at home, in a hospital, in a birthing pool etc. It is important that you look into your different options to decide what location you want to give birth in.
Depending on your personal situation and circumstances, the place that you request to give birth isn’t always an option, so it is important that you include the 2nd location that you wish to give birth.

Invention and Instrumental Delivery

In some cases the midwife or doctor in charge may have to make the decision to intervene with your pregnancy if it is not going ahead as planned. If you are struggling to push your baby out and it is putting your baby in danger, then your doctor or midwife may choose to intervene with instruments such as forceps to help pull your baby out. You should note down your wishes on whether you would prefer instrumental delivery to be used during the birth, your wishes may not always be listened to if your baby is in danger.

Janet is a midwife and loves sharing advice on women’s healthcare to prepare women for labour. She gets all her helpful information from http://www.glowm.com/

Induction of lbour

What is induction of labour

Articfial initiation of labour before spontenous onset of labour,when continuation of pregnancy no longer safe for fetous or mother

Indication for induction of labour

oxytocin ( syntocinon)
  • Past dates
  • Post dates
  • IUGR
  • Oligohydroamniosis
  • Pre eclampsia
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Twin pregnancy continuing beyond 38 weeks
  • Rh iso immunization

Contra indication for induction of  labour

Any contraindication for vaginal delivery is contraindicate for inducation of labour

1 .Cephalo pelvic  disproportion

  • Short mother
  • Large baby
  • Contracted pelvis

2.Breech presentation ,

3. Transverse lie

4. Major degree placenta previa

5. Past history of LSCS ( scard uterus )

Method  / procedure of induction of labour

Method of induction depends on the favorability of cervix for  vaginal delivery . favorability of cervix for vaginal delivery asses by using bisops score

 ( cm)
3- 4
5 -10
Effacement %
0 -30
40 - 60           
      60 - 70


  • If the bishops score is less than  6 , then the cervix is considered  as unfavorable for induction  
  • If  the bishops  score between 6 – 9 , cervix is favorable for induction
  • If the bishops score more than 9 , it is considered as already in labour         

When cervix unfavorable the cervix  has to be ripened .

Ripening of cervix

Non pharmacological methord

  • Artificial separation of membrane ( ASOM)
  • Foley catheter to induce labor

Pharmacological methords
  • Prostoglandins – Dinoprostone gels / Dinoprostone vaginal pessary 
  • Antiprogestornes – Mifepristone
Prostoglandins – Dinoprostone gels

If the cervix is favorable and membranes are intact , induction of laboure should be done by performing artificial rupture of membrane ( ARM )
In the absence of adequate uterine contractions augmentation of labour should be done by using oxytocin ( syntocinon) infusion . Oxytocin  5 U in Primi mother and 2 U in mulitigravid mother added to 1 pint of ( 500 ml ) of normal saline and infused at a rate of 15 drpos per minute . in the absence of adequate contraction ( 3 uterine contraction for 10 minute ) increase drop rate by 15 drops minute in every 30 minute maximum upto 60 drops per minute . mean time monior mother for uterine hyperstimulation
Complication of i