"Where do you think vaping will go next, knew vaping cafes are popping up around the UK, what do you think the next steps will be?"

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"Cig a like-- 2013-10-21 03-47
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You might associate coffee shops with the hip café scene of Amsterdam, but it looks like the UK is taking this concept into its own hands in 2014. As vaping continues to grow in popularity, it seems that there are no bounds to the innovation that this worldwide trend can provoke. And what, you ask, is the latest of these future-thinking developments? Vaping coffee shops. Let’s have a look at where, why and what is going on with the new trend.

There are many reasons why e-cigarettes have exploded onto the market in recent years. By cutting out the harmful toxins of tobacco smoke, they are a deemed to be a much safer substitute for the smoker and everyone around them. E-cigarettes are also much cheaper than tobacco too. However the other great thing about vaping is that it allows smokers to enjoy their nicotine fix without being caught out by the smoking ban. But if this means that you can still smoke an e-cigarette in any regular pub, café or restaurant, why are we seeing a rise of vaping cafes?

By overcoming the smoking ban and putting a whole new lease of life into nicotine, vaping has suddenly gone from smoking alternative to a smoking hot trend. As more and more people ditch the cigarettes for a smarter substitute, the habit is once again in vogue. So why be the odd one out in your Café Nero or Starbucks with your vaporizer, when you could chill out with like minded people, good coffee and an even better vaping vibe?

The first pioneers to jump on the trend were predictably in London, as The Vape Lab hit the scene in March on Liverpool Street. The chic e-cigarette and coffee shop combined the capital’s love of coffee with the growing love of vaping, to create a cosmopolitan hub that has really made waves. Following suit, July sees the opening of a Coffee Republic e-cigarette branch in North Lincolnshire, a sign that the trend is filtering down into the towns and cities around the rest of the UK. No longer will you get a double take from those around you when you begin puffing on an e-cigarette; vaporizers are settling well and truly into the norms of society, and at a vaping coffee shop you can puff away in a chic and relaxing setting.

Whether or not vaping coffee shops will have a long life span is yet to be seen, but the undeniable fact is that e-cigarettes have gone from the fringes of society right into the heart of the social scene, displayed by this futuristic new café concept. It may be a while until a vaping coffee shop opens its doors on your high street, but it’s a good sign that the future is bright for e-cigarettes in the UK as they become further embedded into our culture.

So this is the direction for vaping at the moment. What do you think will happen next and where do you think the vaping revolution take you?

An article by Kelly Gilmour-Grassam who knows what's happening out in the world. She often writes for Prestige Vaping.

Want to eat healthier food for your teeth? Find out which food will help keep your smile healthy."
When working to maintain your dental health it is important to know how everyday habits can help and harm your teeth. Part of that is knowing which foods you may be eating that promote dental health and those that doing damage. Below you will find five foods that are great for you teeth and five you should certainly limit or perhaps avoid all together.



Foods that generate salvia are good for your teeth because they are natural defenders against cavities and bacteria which can cause gum disease. The calcium in cheese puts essential minerals back in your mouth that you may have lost when eating other foods. Cheese also helps control your mouth’s acidity which prevents erosion by lowering the pH levels. Science shows that cheddar, mozzarella and Swiss cheese can help prevent tooth decay and having a bite after a snack food can help re-harden your teeth’s enamel. 

Chicken/fish/other meat

Both chicken and fish have a healthy dose of vitamin B3, or niacin. Lacking this vitamin can cause canker sores, and loathsome bad breath. Fish also contains vitamin D which is important because without it you could develop burning mouth syndrome, a condition characterized by a metallic or bitter taste in the mouth and of course a burning sensation. 


All kinds of nuts are great for your teeth. Among them almonds, cashews, peanuts and walnuts have a host of great benefits that aid your dental health. Chewing cashews is a bit of a task, but that is great for your teeth. All the extra mastication produces extra salvia, neutralizing the streptococcus bacteria, thus fighting cavities. Peanuts and almonds are a good source of calcium which will help nourish your gums among other things, and walnuts contain magnesium, iron, niacin, thiamine, and phosphorus and at least five other essential minerals and vitamins that are necessary for your dental health and an overall healthy body. 


Calcium is essential for strong and heathy bones and teeth so it is essential that you drink your milk. It isn’t just good for calcium because it is also a great source for vitamins D and K2 and your body can absorb those nutrients with ease putting them immediately to work. Milk can also protect against periodontal disease and prevent tooth-loss.

Fruits with high water content

There’s nothing like biting into a juicy apple and hearing that beautiful crispy crunch. Little did you know that crunch is an indication of the health benefits that particular fruit has for your teeth. Apples, pears and other water heavy fruits are great for your teeth because their excess water helps keep the gums and teeth clean and your mouth moist—which is a great defense against bad breath. In fact, apples are such an asset to your dental health that they have been called “nature’s toothbrush.”  


Citrus fruits

The vitamin C in citrus fruits is great because without it you could experience bleeding gums which obviously isn’t good for your teeth. Too much, however, can cause the enamel on your teeth to erode because these fruits are very acidic. It is best to figure out how to eat them in moderation with consideration for both their benefits and their acidity. It is worth it to note that other good sources of vitamin C include broccoli, peppers, and tomatoes. 

Sticky candy

Most food on this part of the list you will see that you can have in moderation and your teeth will be fine. Sticky candies oh-the-other-hand are a major NO NO! Lollipops, hard candies, gummies etc. are basically hardened drops of sugar which can cause your teeth to erode. Sticky and hard candies versus something like chocolate (which will is swallowed quickly) will spend more time in your mouth before swallowing it so these candies are especially good to avoid. They can cause cavities and chip teeth, not to mention the damage they do your pre-existing dental work like crowns, fillings and bridges. This isn’t to say never eat candy again, but keep your teeth in mind and be very wise about what you eat and how much.

Starchy foods

Soft starchy food get stuck in between your teeth and left unattended to cause you a world of dental problems. Potato chips, breads, pretzels etc., are best to eat only at meal times and not just to snack on. Bread stuck in your molars will likely sit there until you either brush it free or it breaks down naturally—that’s much too long to wait. The remaining particles turn into simple sugars in the mouth causing cavities and gum disease.

Sports and energy drinks

Aside from the damage these sugary drinks cause your body, they pose a major threat to your dental health. They are high in both sugar and acid and are best to be avoided. They can damage your enamel, cause tooth decay and are harmful to your gums. A recent study in General Dentistry showed that teeth enamel is “damaged after being exposed to sports drinks or energy drinks for just five days.” Considering that many people drink several a day or consume the extra-large versions of these drinks it is best to stay away from them all together. If you must have them, try to sip through a straw to reduce excessive direct contact with your teeth.


One of the main components in maintaining your dental health is making sure that your mouth is hydrated. Alcohol makes it hard to generate saliva which dries out your mouth and can lead to tooth decay. Not to mention that mixed drinks and sweet wines are sugary which promotes the erosion of your teeth’s enamel. Again drinking out of a straw is a good way to lessen the blow when consuming these drinks.

Dr. Allen Jahangiri is a Katy dentist and founder of Noble Smile family and cosmetic dentistry. He has mastered a number of techniques and procedures practiced only by the best and has an extensive knowledge and experience in the dentistry field.

If you are looking for a cost- effective, safe, and long lasting means of hair removal, waxing is the way to go. "

 Hair removal is something almost everyone chooses to do at some point in their life. Women often spend countless hours of their grooming routine completing some sort of hair removal including shaving, tweezing, waxing, and even using creams that dissolve hair. The process of hair removal can be expensive, time consuming, and potentially irritating to the skin.

Shaving and Hair Removal Creams

The two hair removal methods that are the most harsh on skin are shaving and hair removal creams. Both of these methods require low upfront costs. Unfortunately, neither one of these methods lasts very long. Many hair removal creams claim they will last several weeks. This may be true for people that have very thin or fine body hair, but for those with normal or thick, fast growing hair, these creams will not last any longer than shaving. Why? This is because they only remove hair at the surface of the skin or very slightly below, just like shaving only removes the hair at the surface of the skin.

Most people that decide to use shaving as a means of hair removal will find they need to do it at least every other day, if not daily, in order to keep their skin looking and feeling smooth. This process can be irritating to skin, especially if quality razors and shaving creams are not used. Razors can leave your skin feeling dry with red bumps and unsightly ingrown hairs. Hair removal creams can be equally irritating. In fact, if left on the skin too long or used on sensitive skin, these creams can actually leave chemical burns on the skin.

A Better Option

If you are looking for a  cost- effective, safe, and long lasting means of hair removal, waxing is the way to go. This is true for the entire body. Waxing works well for legs, eye brows, arms, armpits, the bikini line, and even Brazilian style hair removal.

Although it may not seem like it, waxing is actually a very good choice for hair removal on sensitive skin. This is because it only needs to be completed once every few weeks, some people can even go a month or more between waxing. The longer you wax, the longer you will find you can go between waxing appointments at the salon or at home if you choose to do it yourself.

Over time, the roots to the hair become weaker, causing the hair to become thinner, weaker, and easier to remove. Because it does not need to be completed every few days, Brazilian waxing is a great option for those that choose to go completely bare. The bikini area is especially prone to irritation and ingrown hairs from shaving or other hair removal practices. These problems are rare with waxing and become less and less common as your skin adjust to the waxing process.

Cost Effective
Brazilian waxing and other body waxing practices are perhaps the most cost effective means of hair removal available today. The upfront cost may be slightly higher than shaving or hair removal creams, but the effects last much longer, requiring fewer purchases to be made in the long run. The irritation that can be caused by other forms of hair removal can also increase the costs incurred by the consumer because additional creams or medications to soothe the area must also be purchased.

Carrie Steele loves getting spa treatments. She has unique suggestions about getting beautiful and fit. She had been writing about several interesting articles about it. When not blogging, she enjoys a great day in a spa. Learn more about Carrie's helpful tips when you visit Dyanna Spa

The Veterans' Administration (VA) helps returning veterans whose service has left them injured, especially when these injuries make adjusting to civilian life harder. When we think of wounded veterans, we may picture individuals with missing limbs, but the truth is that most veterans who receive benefits get them for subtler injuries. If you are a returning vet or a loved one of a returning vet, you have to know that you may be eligible for benefits. Here are some of the most compensated injuries to help you understand when you may be able to get compensation for injuries.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is an actual loss of auditory acuity. This is a separate condition from tinnitus, although the two may be related. Hearing loss is actually going down among Iraq and Afghanistan vets. There are more than 702,000 veterans being compensated for hearing loss, but there are only about 76,000 from the GWOT.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is an anxiety disorder that develops after being involved in a stressful event. This used to be called "shell shock," then "battle fatigue," and "operational exhaustion." Symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, memory problems, emotional numbness, and more. PTSD for GWOT veterans is  about average for conflicts. Of about 500,000 veterans receiving compensation for PTSD, 115,000 are from the GWOT. PTSD peaked in Vietnam, the only war for which it exceeded tinnitus and hearing loss as a compensated injury. The Gulf War is the only conflict in which post-traumatic stress disorder is not in the top ten compensated conditions.


Tinnitus, what we commonly describe as ringing in the ears, is the most commonly compensated injury for veterans. Due to changes in tactics tinnitus is becoming even more prevalent in veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. Of the more than 840,000 veterans receiving compensation for tinnitus, 201,000, nearly one-fourth, are veterans of the Global War on Terror (GWOT), as the VA describes the current conflicts.


Scars are the remnants of injuries sustained but healed. They not only serve as a reminder of the wound and potential trigger for PTSD, some of them may result in enduring pain, and disfigurement may result in a significantly diminished quality of life. Most compensated scars are of the head, neck, or face. Overall, about 441,000 veterans are compensated for scarring, with about 80,000 from the GWOT.


Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine condition in which the body cannot properly regulate blood sugar levels. In general, diabetes is acquired either as a genetic defect (type I) or due to weight gain and poor diet (type II), but more than 303,000 of the 355,000 veterans receiving compensation for diabetes are from the Vietnam War. Agent orange has been linked causally to type II diabetes. Only about 10,000 veterans from the GWOT are being compensated for diabetes.

Helping Injury Victims

The VA is set up to try to help people who served and sacrificed for their country, no matter the nature of their sacrifice. In order to get compensation, veterans must prove a connection between their service and their injury:
  • Direct service connection--your injury was directly caused by an incident that occurred during your service
  • Aggravated service connection--your injury or condition was pre-existing, but an incident or exposure during service caused it to worsen
  • Presumptive service connection--for some conditions, the connection with certain service-related events is so strong that you do not have to prove a connection, just show that you have the condition and that you served
  • Secondary service connection--if a service-related condition causes another condition, you may be able to get compensation for the caused condition
  • PTSD connection--can be established by showing a diagnosis of PTSD, making a statement about your traumatic event, and having a VA psychologist or psychiatrist state the event was sufficiently traumatic to lead to your condition.

Dr. Matthew B. Candelaria (PhD, U of Kansas 2006) broke a proud tradition in his family by not joining the service. He tries to make up for this lack by writing about veterans' affairs and military SF. And good-naturedly suffering taunts from his other family members.

"This article aims at explaining the relation between obesity and carpal tunnel syndrome."

Till date carpal tunnel syndrome is more like an unsolved mystery, there have been many theories but none of them have provided a conclusive answer. The most basic definition of carpal tunnel syndrome is that it leads to numbness in fingers, especially the thumb, ring and index finger. Some patients have reported pain too but it is quite uncommon in carpal tunnel syndrome. The reason for CTS lies in the anatomy of carpal tunnel; it’s a narrow passage that acts as a link between fore arm and palm. Some tendons and a median nerve traverse through this narrow passage and when it gets congested, the resulting pressure leads to a compressed median nerve. This compressed median nerve is the reason for carpal tunnel syndrome. In this article we will review obesity as a risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Obesity:
There is substantial recorded data to support this claim, a survey done by a reputed hospital found that over 25 percent of the people who were obese developed carpal tunnel syndrome. Obesity is established by measuring the BMI (Body mass index) of a patient. People who have a body mass index lower than 25 are said to be of normal weight, people having a BMI ranging from 25 to 30 are classified as overweight and those having a body mass index over 30 qualify as obese. Statistics show that a considerable number of patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome were obese i.e. having a body mass index over thirty. However, it was also found in the same study that obesity was not a risk factor for elderly patients primarily over sixty years of age.
  • Can weight loss help in treating carpal tunnel syndrome:
The same patients who were classified as obese having carpal tunnel syndrome, were given a three month diet plan. It was done as a part of an experiment to establish whether weight loss will provide any relief to patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. After three months of dieting and other weight loss activities, another survey was conducted on these patients. It was found that with the help of diet plan, these patients achieved their goal of weight loss. Most of the patients were now having a body mass index below thirty, the average was 26. It clearly showed that these patients no longer qualified as obese. But this weight loss didn’t help the patients in relief from the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. This result was in direct contradiction to the fact that obesity can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.  This was a dead end for the research as no conclusive link was established between obesity and carpal tunnel syndrome. To explain this contradiction, doctors have suggested that there might be a genetic profile that pre-disposes people to both of these conditions i.e. obesity and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Does wrist shape have any effect on CTS:
In another study, patients with CTS were examined and their data was compared to those who were not having any of the symptoms. From this study it was concluded that people with a squarer shaped wrist were prone to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Jeff Conley is the founder and contributing author for MyCarpalTunnel.com, the information packed online resource for Carpal Tunnel relief and treatment. To find out more about your options for Carpal Tunnel treatment, including information on Carpal Tunnel Surgery, visit the ultimate Carpal Tunnel Resource today.

This article mentions some of the activities that must be avoided as they will hurt your beauty diet regime

So many people ask me, why my beauty diet is not showing any results? Well, the answer is, you are probably doing something wrong. In this article we will discuss some of the activities that you should stop immediately as they can potentially hamper any benefits gained from your beauty diet.

"Recent studies have shown a strong link between dental hygiene and Alzheimer's Disease. The bacteria created by poor dental health can travel to the brain."

As far-fetched and unrelated as it may sound, is it actually true that Alzheimer’s disease might in fact be linked to poor dental health? According to studies in recent years, there may be a stronger link than we might have ever imagined. While there appears to be a strong chance that gum disease can cause Alzheimer’s, there are still steps that can be taken to help avoid such a fate.

Mouth-Brain Connection

Scientists from the University of Lancashire in England performed a study in which they found traces of a bacterium that is generally present in the mouth actually in the brains of some of their subjects. The correlation between the ten test subjects’ Alzheimer’s and the presence of the bacteria (known as Porphyromonas gingivalis) was that the bacteria is one generally present in the mouth of those who suffer from periodontal disease (also known simply as gum disease). Brain samples were taken from ten patients who suffered from Alzheimer’s and ten samples were taken from subjects without Alzheimer’s. Those with Alzheimer’s all had traces of the periodontal bacteria in their brain samples.

How Does the Bacteria Affect the Brain?

The hypothesis based on the findings from the study is that the bacteria travels into the brain, and then proceeds to set off a trigger in the immune system. What this trigger does is tell the body that there is something foreign in the area, and that it is bad, and it needs to be eradicated. The immune system then sends out its attack, releasing a chemical that ends up killing brain cells. This loss of brain cells is thought to eventually lead to loss of memory and therefore Alzheimer’s disease.

What Can Be Done to Stop it?

While the study did produce these results, more money is being sought in order to fund further research on the subject. Only time and additional testing and research will tell, but in the mean time, in can’t hurt to continue proper mouth health and improve your dental health. Brush at least twice a day, and remember to floss every day. If you are unable to brush your teeth in some situations or after every meal and snack, simply swish water in your mouth to remove stagnant food particles. By removing the bacteria from your mouth you will lessen the chance of the gum disease that has been linked to Alzheimer’s in the study. One of the primary causes of gum disease is lack of oral hygiene, with lack of flossing being the biggest culprit. As many as up to thirty percent of adults are said to suffer from gum disease at some point in their lives, so work to prevent yourself from becoming part of that statistic.

The bottom line:

While further studies have yet to be held, the current findings are startling. Although the amount of subjects tested was small, the University is seeking the funding to do more thorough research and testing. In the mean time, it can’t hurt to pay extra special attention to your teeth and mouth, and develop a healthy, thorough mouth-care routine if you haven’t already.

Becca is an avid health and nutrition blogger. She’s currently working with Dentists R Us in Coquitlam BC to help educate the public about dental care and health.

Do you suffer from lower back pain? If your answer is yes, you’re not alone. Eight out of ten people suffer from this type of ailment at some point in their lives. The type of pain can be minor (lasting from a few days to weeks) to more severe (lasting for months or even years). Low back pain treatment is the most popular type of chiropractic care for back pain sufferers.

Chiropractic low back pain treatment uses spinal adjustments to normalize mobility on spinal joints brought on by tissue injuries. These are brought on usually by accidents, sports injuries, and poor posture. Chiropractors refer to this is as misalignment of the vertebra. This causes irritation of the surrounding area and nerve area resulting in inflammation, pain and degeneration.

Chiropractic Treatment for Pain

With chiropractic treatment, pressure is taken off the disc, joints, nerves and symptoms are improved. It also prevents it from getting worse, and you can get to feeling like yourself again. The treatment can also use soft tissue repair, stretching, and specific posture and strengthening exercises. However, if need be the chiropractor can use a spinal orthotic device called Denneroll , that is also used with the spinal adjustments. Back pain can be acute (less than one month) sub-acute (1-3 months) or chronic (more than three months). Most of the time low back pain can be caused from musculoskeletal problems, and unfortunately most people just put up with the pain until it becomes unbearable, and only then do they see a doctor. You can read more about the facts of low back pain here.

In addition, although low back pain treatment has come a long way, researchers are still studying spinal manipulation. For example, a 2010 review of 26 clinical trials reviewed the effectiveness of different treatments of both musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal conditions. The authors of the study concluded that the spinal manipulation works for acute, sub-acute and chronic low back pain. This means that it can work for just about anyone suffering from low back pain.

Furthermore, there was a study completed last year in Switzerland which involved adults who were suffering from low back pain and who had not received chiropractic or manual help in the three months before the study took place. Patients with chronic back pain and acute pain both exhibited positive results. Patients with radiculopathy (when one or more set of nerves are not working properly) also had improved symptoms. Low back pain is considered to be the most common job related disability, especially for people who work in front of a computer all day, or do excessive labor.

Structural Imbalances

Moreover, what chiropractors do is identify structural imbalances that are related to a number of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions. The daily stress on our backs related to everyday activities can lead to these imbalances resulting in a sprain or strain in the vertebrae area. This means that two or more vertebra have lost their normal motion or position. Most of these imbalances in the early stages can exist without the person even feeling spinal pain. 

However, as time goes on, the wear and tear worsens and is followed by various cases of muscular and skeletal dysfunction, which leads to pain. Low back pain treatment can also reduce tension, pain and other symptoms, as well as improved posture and balance. There is also a reduction in the rate of spinal degeneration, which will help you relax and cope with stress and changes in lifestyle. Furthermore, there will be an improved function of the body’s organs and systems. This will improve your emotional and health wellbeing, thus enjoying your life more.

Chiropractic care is known to be the one of the most popular forms of healthcare that people seek for neck and back pain. It is safe, effective and drug free. These characteristics have made chiropractor the best recognized complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) professions. This is why people in the medical field are choosing it as a job, and it has become the third largest doctoral level profession, after medicine and dentistry. So, if you have back pain, make sure you go see a chiropractor to try low back pain treatment. It will get you on the road to recovery and back to doing the things that you love.

This article was written by Danny Oh, who resorted to chiropractic treatment for his low back pain treatment and is glad for it.

Iconic shot of an hearing aid
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Hearing loss is the long-term reduction of one’s ability to hear sounds. Its severity can range from mild to severe and may be temporary or permanent.Common causes of hearing loss include excessive accumulation of earwax and infection of the auditory canal, perforation of the eardrums, but majority of hearing loss problems come from damaged internal ear structures.

There are also typical causes, which include aging, excessive noise exposure, and toxic medications. What many hearing loss patients do in order to regain their ability to hear sounds is to use hearing aids. Since many individuals have a lot of questions about the use of a hearing aid, we will go over some of the most common and we will provide reliable and simple answers.

Q: How do I recognize that I might be having hearing loss problems?

A: Generally, hearing loss begins gradually without any discomfort. To determine whether you are experiencing hearing loss, a few questions that you may ask yourself are:

1. Do I repeatedly ask people to repeat what they said?

2. Am I experiencing difficulty in following a conversation in a small group?

3. Is it hard for me to understand the speaker if he is not in front of me?

4. Am I struggling to hear things when I am in crowded places (e.g. restaurants, malls)?

5. Do I prefer a louder volume than others?

6. Am I experiencing difficulty in conversing over the telephone?

If you have answered yes to most of these questions, then it is possible that you are suffering from hearing loss.

Q: Who should I see when I have developed hearing problems?

A: You can visit one of these professionals specializing in ear problems:

1. Otolaryngologist – A surgeon who specializes in ear, nose and throat problems.

2. Audiologist – A health professional that identifies and measures hearing loss.

3. Hearing Aid Specialist – A licensed professional who checks one’s hearing, evaluates it, and fits a hearing aid. 

These professionals would identify whether you are suffering from a hearing loss and will tell you which type of hearing loss you have. 

Q: What are the types of hearing aids that I could use?

A: There are three types of hearing aids that are available in the market today:

1. CIC or completely-in-the-canal

2. ITE or in-the-ear

3. BTE or behind-the-ear

Q: How should I choose the right hearing aid for me?

A: Knowing the degree and type of your hearing loss is the major factor in determining the hearing aid that best fits your needs. Other factors include personal preference and lifestyle.

Q: Does using a hearing aid bring back my full abilities to hear?

A: Technically, it does not. They would only make sounds available to you through modified electrical signals but would not restore your hearing back to normal. 

Q: Where can I purchase a hearing aid?

A: Hearing aids are available from different sources, which are operated by Hearing Instrument Specialists and licensed professionals (e.g audiologists, otolaryngologists, hearing aid specialist).

Q: Are there other devices available to treat hearing loss?

A: There are other devices that could complement the use of a hearing aid, such as devices that you could connect to televisions or stereos to make it easier for you to hear. Some alerts (e.g doorbells, smoke detectors, and alarm clocks) could have other signals that could be seen or felt. 
About the author: 

Ernest Poh founded The Hearing Centre Pte Ltd. The Hearing Centre is your one-stop centre for complete hearing aids and hearing conservation services. Ernest has been fitting hearing devices since 2004. Visit his website at http://thehearingcentre.sg to learn more about the different types of hearing aids and the possible causes of hearing loss.