Top 7 Sports to Improve Your Health

pasindu krisantha | 10:25 PM | 0 comments

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There is nothing more amazing than playing your favorite sports as you improve your health. This is possible if your favorite game or sport involves physical movements. These kinds of sports or games have some positive contributions towards your overall health. It is worth noting that the health benefits are not limited to physical health, but also mental health. Joining a sports community helps in improving mental health since it involves team work. In addition, a sense of community helps to avoid stress and tension. The following sports improve your health. 

1. Squash 

Among the top 7 sports to improve your health is squash. It is an international sport played by two or four people. The best thing about squash is that you can play it alone. Therefore, you do not have to worry if you do not have someone to play with. You can simply pick your squash racket and play the sport against a wall. However, it is always important to play against someone as it raises the competitive spirit. The secret behind the health improvement is the physical movement involved as it helps to burn excessive fats. This helps in avoiding lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. 

2. Football/ Soccer

Soccer is the most popular sports and probably the easiest one to play. You just need to join a few interested people, a football, and a playing ground and you are good to go. This sport involves much running; in fact, it can not be interesting without running. The fact that soccer involves physical movements makes it to be categorized among the sports that can improve your health. 

3. Long distance running

Long distance running falls under the sports that help to improve health. However, sprint or speed running is also important. It is crucial for burning quick calories. It is also helpful for improving health in the long term. More important in improving your health is slow but constant long distance running. 

4. Tennis

There are various things you require to start playing tennis. The first thing you need a decent court for tennis is not like badminton, which can be played on any ground. In tennis, the ball is required to bounce. When you play tennis in the chilly cold weather of the winter, you will not only find your heart pounding, but your body will become warm. It also helps to burn excess fats from your body. 

5. Swimming

Among the sports that improve health, swimming is considered a safe sport. This is because without considering drowning, it is almost impossible to get injuries. It has its rules as well as styles that are used in this sport. You can engage in swimming just for fun or as a competition. Either way, the sport will help to improve your health.

6. Cycling

There are many health advantages of cycling. For instance, it helps to avoid diabetes since it aids in insulin production in the body. More active cycling such as mountain biking may pose some risks, but it is important for your health. Therefore, you should not consider cycling as only a sport for fun. It is very crucial in improving your health. 

7. Hockey

Last but not the least among the top 7 sports to improve your health is hockey. It is an international sport with its own rules and methods. It falls under the active sports where a lot of running is required. To play this game, you require a hockey stick and a better playing ground. Therefore, it is an expensive sport especially when one is trying to start it in a community. However, there are ways one can get deals on cheap hockey equipments in order to save the start up cost. 

These are the top 7 sports to improve your health. If you are searching for some sports that will improve your health, look no further because these sports improve your health in one way or the other. It is all about making your favorite choice. 

Author Bio- This post has been written by Nicky Jiny. She is a Health and Fitness Expert.She recommends Diet Direct Company for providing best meal replacement shakes for weight loss.


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