This article mentions some of the activities that must be avoided as they will hurt your beauty diet regime
So many people ask me, why my beauty diet is not showing any results? Well, the answer is, you are probably doing something wrong. In this article we will discuss some of the activities that you should stop immediately as they can potentially hamper any benefits gained from your beauty diet.
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An article on the evolution of Freudian theory by Jacques Lacan, the controversial reception of his mirror stage theory, in place of Freud's Oedipal Drive."
It was Sigmund Freud who originally established the field of psychoanalysis, and so the debt owed to him by the entire area of study is hard to overstate. However, it should always be remembered that many other figures have since built on Freud's work, expanding psychoanalysis into areas which he could not have imagined. The best-known individuals in psychoanalysis include the likes of Carl Jung and Wilhelm Reich, each with their own theories, their own disciples and their own students. This article will compare and contrast the theories of Freud with those of one of the most admired men to have followed up on his work: Jacques Lacan.
Lacan was heavily influenced by Freud, in fact, although he went on to found an entirely new school of psychoanalysis, he described himself as a Freudian Psychoanalyst. In the fifties Jacques Lacan ran seminars calling for psychoanalysts to return to Freud's body of work. He believed that many of Freud's followers had distorted his original writings, and so argued that it was time to reclaim the early work by the father of psychoanalysis.
Lacan also added to Freudian theory, however, and one of the key concepts which he introduced to the field was that of structural linguistics. He looked at Freud's case of a patient nicknamed the Rat Man. This individual was obsessed with the idea of people being tortured by rat-bites. Freud concluded that his obsession with rats masked concerns over money, and pointed to the similarities between the two words in German: "Ratten" (rats) echoes "Raten" (instalments, as in debt). Lacan used this case to articulate his theories regarding signifiers: chains of words which lead from one meaning to another, and which can provide insight into a patient's mental state.
However, Lacan also made a large and very controversial departure from Freudian theory with his concept of the Mirror Phase, the idea that observing ones self in a mirror triggered apperception, and hense the notion of an inner and outer self, an event that Lacan considered to be a significant milestone in the mental development of a child. Although Lacan himself saw his theory as compatible with Freud's theories regarding primal urges from early childhood, many disagree. The Fellow Frenchman psychoanalyst Raymond Tallis argued that the mirror stage had no factual foundation, and that congenially blind people would be incapable of learning to speak were Lacan's theories factually unflawed.
Freud placed great emphasis on the Oedipal drive: the subconscious desire in male children to kill the father and marry the mother (the female equivalent of the Oedipus complex is the Electra complex). Lacan, instead, held that the most important stage in the early development of a child was when it first sees itself in a mirror - or comes across a reasonable substitute, such as the image of a different child.
Lacan saw this as filling a gap in Freud's theories by explaining how the ego is constituted. More traditional Freudians, meanwhile, remain unconvinced.
This guest post was written by Nick Davison, Nick writes for a number of websites including Lacanian Psychoanalysis London.
Here are four different sleep apnea treatment options and some of the benefits of each one."
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Although this disease can be serious when left untreated, the good news is, there is a lot that can be done to make it easier to live with.
Here are four different sleep apnea treatment options and some of the benefits of each one.
1) An oral appliance
Sometimes, when you have only a mild case of this disease, there are extremely simple fixes for it. For instance, an oral appliance can be a good and quick solution.
These devices essentially reposition your tongue and lower jaw, which ensures your throat and breathing passageway remain clear and open during sleep. As a result, you should be able to sleep soundly.
In order to get one of these products, you are fitted by someone who specializes in dental devices. This ensures the item fits you perfectly and thus cuts down on any feelings of discomfort or awkwardness during use.
2) Masks and CPAP therapy choices
Possibly the most common course of action taken to treat apnea is a mask providing continuous airway pressure therapy, otherwise known as CPAP.
This solution basically consists of a mask that slips over either just your nose or both your nose and mouth. You wear it while you are sleeping, and a little tube that connects to the mask will also connect to a device administering a steady amount of air pressure while you breathe. This keeps your breathing passage open so you don’t experience apnea issues.
The benefits of this choice are that the machine is virtually soundless and you don’t need to take any medication or have invasive surgeries to treat the disease. Most doctors prefer this course of treatment for the problem.
3) Surgery
Sometimes, wearing an apparatus while sleeping isn’t an option for patients, or they simply don’t want to. If this is the case, surgery is a possibility. However, it doesn’t always completely solve the problem, and often you could need more than one procedure. Even if the symptoms improve after this invasive course, sometimes individuals still find they must use the CPAP mask afterward.
4) Weight loss programs
One of the simplest, most cost-effective and non-invasive ways to treat apnea is by undergoing weight loss. By exercising and altering your diet, the symptoms often disappear or are drastically lessened.
While one or more of these obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treatment options may not be possible for you, chances are there is something available to improve your quality of life. If you consult your physician to be tested today, you can begin the process of overcoming this common disease.
Keith, a longtime obstructive sleep apnea sufferer, has found resources like to be extremely beneficial in explaining the various treatment options for this disease. As a writer, he is thrilled to be able to share his wealth of knowledge with others.
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More and more people are considering gastric sleeves and other weight loss surgery options as treatments for dangerous levels of obesity. While most of us hope we are able to control our weight through diet and exercise alone, the unfortunate reality is that some people find their weight problems don't respond to simple calorie counting – for a variety of reasons, they may find themselves excessively obese and none of the normal weight loss fads seem to have an effect.
That makes gastric sleeve surgery, a simple weight loss surgery procedure, an attractive option. A gastric sleeve can restrict how much food you are able to eat and thus how many calories you absorb, fundamentally changing how your body works. But what can you eat once you have a gastric sleeve? Here's everything you need to know about a proper gastric sleeve diet.
What is a Gastric Sleeve?
The gastric sleeve procedure is a surgery to change the size and shape of the stomach, altering how the body absorbs food. Normally the stomach can be seen as essentially a “bag”: it can hold a large amount of food which remains there for some time as nutrition is absorbed. However, by removing a portion of the stomach it can be reduced to about a fourth of its normal size, and reshaped like a “sleeve” that passes food through quickly. This is the gastric sleeve procedure.
This procedure doesn't just reduce how much food you can eat; it changes the stomach's activity at a basic level. One of the major benefits of a gastric sleeve procedure is that the part of the stomach that remains is largely unable to produce ghrelin, a hormone that induces hunger and tells the body to crave calories. With less ghrelin, eating patterns are easier to change and satiety is easier to accomplish.
Additionally, the body absorbs fewer calories from food because it spends less time in the stomach.
The Gastric Sleeve Diet
A gastric sleeve is not reversible, and it alters how and what you can eat. Following the prescribed diet is vital to both post-surgery recovery and long term health and safety.
You will need to work with your doctor or a dietitian to create a personal diet that addresses all of your unique health needs, but as a general rule you can expect your diet to progress in four parts:
Right after surgery.
In the days after surgery, you will need to consume only clear liquids, totaling less than 1,000 calories per day. You will also need to consume a large amount of water to stay hydrated.
First two weeks.
For about two weeks after surgery, you can consume a wider variety of liquids but no solid food, and must stay within 500-1,000 calories a day. Hydration remains important, as is receiving enough protein – often from protein powders dissolved in water.
First two months.
During the rest of the two months following surgery you will be able to eat some soft and moist foods, as long as you are able to effectively puree them with your teeth. Seeds, crunchy foods and raw fruit or vegetables absolutely cannot be consumed. Calories must be under 1,400 a day and protein should be about 30% of your diet.
Once the above stages are complete, you can return to a more normal diet but should never go over 1,600 calories per day, and never more than 300-400 per meal. You still need to split your calories about 30% protein, 30% fat and the rest can be carbs. Fiber and a proper balance of vitamins will also be important.
This is just an example of a gastric sleeve diet, but most will be similar. At all times it's vital to follow your doctor's directions. It's important to remember that undergoing gastric sleeve surgery is a lifelong commitment to carefully control your diet.
Andrew's Aunt just went through a gastric sleeve procedure. Throughout her recovery he took note of a few things and decided to share them with others.
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"Chiropractic medicine dates back to the end of the 19th century when Daniel Palmer first developed systems for bonesetting and treating subluxations."
Medical doctors in one form or another have been around since the first civilizations thousands of years ago. But chiropracty has only been an established field of study and treatment for less than two hundred years.
The Father of Modern Chiropractic Medicine
Daniel David “D. D.” Palmer is generally credited with being the father of modern chiropractic treatment. According to various sources, Palmer performed his first adjustment in 1895 on a deaf janitor. His treatment combined elements of then-practiced treatments called bonesetting and magnetic healing.
How Subluxations were First Treated
In the 19th century, most physicians felt that fixing broken bones was not really worth their time or effort so patients went to a bonesetter. In addition to setting broken limbs, they also treated subluxations, which are partial dislocations. The treatment was to wrench the joint back into place.
In addition to discovering specific spinal adjustment Palmer also developed the philosophy of chiropractic treatment that became the foundation for the profession.
“I am not the first person to replace subluxated vertebrae,” Palmer once said, “but I do claim to be the first person to replace displaced vertebrae by using the spinous and transverse processes as levers...and to develop the philosophy and science of chiropractic adjustments.
About Daniel David “D. D.” Palmer
Palmer was born in Ontario, Canada, in 1845 and moved to the United States when he was 20 years old, eventually settling in Davenport, Iowa. In 1885, He became interested in magnetic healing and opened the Palmer Cure & Infirmary a couple years later.
In September 1895, Palmer learned that his office janitor, Harvey Lillard, had normal hearing for most of his life until the day he had been hunched over and felt something pop in his back. When he stood up, he couldn’t hear anymore. Palmer suspected the deafness and pop were related. So he checked the janitor’s back.
“I reasoned that if that vertebra was replaced, the man’s hearing should be restored,” he wrote in his notes. “With this object in view, a half hour’s talk persuaded Mr. Lillard to allow me to replace it. I racked it into position by using the spinous process as a lever, and soon the man could hear as before.”
Where did the Word Chiropractic Originate?
After that, Palmer perfected what he called hand treatments. He later coined the word chiropractic, which comes from the Greek words chiro (hand) and practic (operation).
He changed the name of his clinic to the Palmer School & Infirmary of Chiropractic and started accepting students in 1898.
Palmer believed spinal health affected overall health and could be the cause of myriad of ailments such as migraines because spinal adjustments to correct vertebral misalignments eliminated the nerve interference causing the patients’ complaints.
Although the chiropractic treatments have advanced significantly since Palmer’s time, the basic philosophy of a drug-free method of correcting vertebral subluxations remains.
My name is Ryan and I like to share information about healthcare-related issues, such as facts you should know about chiropractic, how to prevent injury when working out, and where to locate the best chiropractic care in South Scottsdale, AZ.
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Without the stability of
the knee that it provides, you’re causing massive amounts of stress to your
joints. Either way one looks at it, the
ACL needs to be repaired. Unfortunately
the only way to do that is through surgery.
Properly Diagnosing an ACL Tear
Sometimes it is impossible to diagnose without the help of a doctor. If there
is any doubt, you have to get it seen immediately. The bent knee trick, though, is something
that you can do now. If you can’t bend your knee at least a 90-degree angle,
you can bet you have a tear. If you
can’t walk on the leg in question then you have a problem.
There are cases where an
ACL tear doesn’t require surgery – or need surgery. This is why you have to go to a doctor to
determine that. For some, their activity
level and livelihood can affect the injury which is why a second look is always
a good idea. For other tears, though, surgery is required. If one partakes in
ACL surgery, the patient has to prepare for it both mentally and
physically. Surgery of any kind requires
a mental part to tackling the problem.
ACL Surgery
Prepping for an ACL
surgery requires some work. The goals of
post-surgery are to reduce any swelling in the knee, get a normal range of
motion for the knee, and walk somewhat normally. The latter may take a little time to do and
can take a couple months to heal depending on the injury. For each tear, a surgeon will have a
different take and method on the surgery.
A repaired ACL isn’t fixed
by just tying the ligament back together, though that would be nice. Using tendons from other parts of body as a
substitute for the torn ACL is an option (and probably the most popular option
amongst doctors). Some surgery is done
by opening the knee up (usually has a much longer recovery time) or
arthroscopically (which is how the majority of athletes who suffer the injury
like to have it done). There are
options, but connecting the ligaments or reattaching them is an important thing
to undertake, one that takes a skilled and steady hand. Not any surgeon can properly tackle ACL
Much like the rotator cuff
is for the upper body, the knee is the most important part of the body for the
lower half. As such, the range of motion
should be normal and care given to nurse these areas. A torn ACL hampers our ability to walk
normally, taking us out of being able to do our daily activities.
Bouncing Back from the Surgery
Bouncing back from ACL
surgery can be a challenge depending on your health before the tear, but almost
all of them come back to normal. When
you bounce back from surgery, your physical activities will be limited at
first. If you have an office job, you can return to work as quickly as a
week. Every case is different. Every knee is different. The
recovery time will determine how strong your knee will bounce back afterwards. It is important to note that anyone who has
an ACL tear can recover from it with no problem. It’s not the end of the world
by any means. It may seem that way, but there are options on recovery.
Once you can start back
with your daily routine, you should be fine. The problem is getting yourself in
the position to be able to do that. Don’t try to overdo it after surgery. If you feel soreness or any kind of
tenderness in your knee, stop. You don’t have to push it. When your body starts
talking to you, listen to it. Even the toughest athletes will have a difficult
time recovering sometimes.
Take your time in
recovering from surgery and you’ll be back and at it in no time. Nurse your
knee well and build up your strength. Anything can happen at any time so be
Author Bio
Donna Shannon is a highly successful surgeon
practicing in Pasadena Heights, California. Donna recommends having ACL surgery
if you have a torn ACL because it can be your best chance at full knee
"Cosmetic surgery is an amazing thing and it can change your life for the better, however it does have risks associated with it."
Cosmetic surgery can be an amazing thing, it can improve your self esteem and confidence turning you into the person that you have always wished you could be, however it does also have its risks. Most people will rush into the surgery process when they are not ready, physically and mentally, this can lead to a variety of different problems.
Quality of Life
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Cosmetic surgery can be an amazing thing, it can improve your self esteem and confidence turning you into the person that you have always wished you could be, however it does also have its risks. Most people will rush into the surgery process when they are not ready, physically and mentally, this can lead to a variety of different problems.
The rewards of surgery can change your life for the better.
If there has always been an aspect of your body that you have hated or stopped you from living your life normally, improving this from cosmetic surgery can improve the quality of your life. If you have had an issue with your knee, or even your sight, cosmetic surgery can fix this and then help your lead a normal life. People who go ahead with cosmetic surgery have often had their problems following them around for years, this can stop them from doing things in life that they always wished they could do, cosmetic surgery can take away the problems allowing them to enjoy living.
Sometimes cosmetic surgery can be related to the health of a person, if you choose to have 15lbs removed from your body through a liposuction process, you will be dramatically improving your health. You will immediately be taking a lot of strain away from your heart, reducing the risks of any health complications you may have in the future.
If your surgery is successful then it can drastically improve your self confidence, this can then help the person from being held back in other aspects of life. Most people choose to have cosmetic surgery to ‘fix their problems’ and improve their looks, however most of this comes down to psychology. What one person sees as ugly, another person does not necessarily see this. However, the correction of the ‘problem’ can stop the patient from being held back in life.
You will also need to consider the risks of the surgery before you go ahead.
Just like any other surgery, cosmetic surgery has its risks. In the past people have lost their lives down to the cosmetic surgery process they have gone through, this can be due to a reaction to anaesthetic, later infection and blood clots. This is why it is extremely important you have aftercare once your surgery is completed to check that you are not at risk of any of these problems.
The success of cosmetic surgery is quite subjective, and not all surgery is successful. You will be advised before the surgery takes place that the surgery may not go ahead as expected, it is essential that you do not get your hopes up about the surgery. Some unlucky patients can end up looking worse after the surgery, and even worse, some have been left with nerve damage, damage to vital tissues or permanent pain.
You will probably already know that cosmetic surgery is quite costly, and you will need to be prepared to pay for the service no matter what happens during your surgery. If your surgery does not go ahead as planned, it can be quite devastating paying for surgery that you did not even want.
You will also have to pay for insurance to ensure that you are covered for any health complications or mistakes that happen during the surgery.
Bear in mind that you are going to need some aftercare once the surgery is completed; it is likely that you are going to have to pay for this aftercare on top of the surgery price.
Lucy wanted some cosmetic surgery, so she completed a lot of research on it. She now even knows the micro surgery instruments that are used during surgery thanks to
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Ways to get plastic surgery with poor financial conditions:
There are many ways through which you can get financial assistance or in other words get a financial loan when it comes to getting a plastic surgery. There are a few points which must be considered.
Financing companies for plastic surgeries:
There are many companies which provide you with loans in terms of credit if you want a cosmetic surgery. These companies provide you loans only if you are willing to get a cosmetic surgery and the condition is that you have to pay them back at an interest rate which is really high. It is actually higher than the normal rate at which you return loans.
Payment options with installments:
Because of the increasing popularity of plastic surgery there are many companies that are willing to provide you with plastic surgery at a loan with down payments but the catch is that you have to pay them back with a much higher interest rate
Personal loans which are secure:
Banks will never provide you with loans if you have a bad credit, as you have to pay them some money in advance in order to get the loan from them. This process is a lot easier as compared to other companies. This is a very risky option because you have to provide your property as security till you return the loan.
Things to be kept in mind when you are applying for a loan:
If in case you are willing to apply for loan to get a cosmetic plastic surgery then you must apply to only one company, in conditions when you have a bad credit history. You must compare and then review the interest rates and the repayments of various companies before you take the loan and then out of these pick up one that is good for you. But if you apply to more than one company then all your applications will get rejected. You must fill out the application and try not to leave out any information. You must provide all clear financial information. You must also state your financial situation.
Now there is one thing which you must consider and this is: if you have bad credit then you must not just go for cosmetic surgery Sydney or even go for something like a facelift, unless and until you are sure that you will be able to pay back the loan.
I am an avid blogger and interested in writing more and more articles for home improvement, SEO, health, legal etc.
If you’re still looking for a profitable, rewarding career that actually provides ample job security in this day and age, then you’re in excellent company. You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn’t dream of not having to worry about the integrity of their paycheck or about their level of job security. However, the truly smart people are looking into options in stable fields like medicine. If you’re also into beauty and like the idea of helping people succeed in life and build their self esteem, then you might especially want to consider an option in cosmetic surgery such as cosmetic laser training.
Take a look at this handy infographic for some truly helpful information in regards to plastic surgery today. Learn the true statistics in regards to which of the many procedures available is really the most popular with both men and women. Find out the real costs in regards to plastic surgery today (you may be surprised). Even find out which ethnic groups and income brackets are the most likely to want to go under the knife!
Things to be Considered While Going for a Cosmetic Surgery Abroad
Many countries have
encouraged and promoted medical tourism which is changing up with the latest
trends. Why not get your cosmetic surgery done abroad, where the prices are low
and the results are excellent? This is the thought which is encouraging several
to go ahead with the surgeries abroad. As every coin has two faces even this
consists of both pros and cons. However here are a few things which you should
give a thought when you are going broad to get your plastic surgery done.