"Recent studies have shown a strong link between dental hygiene and Alzheimer's Disease. The bacteria created by poor dental health can travel to the brain."
As far-fetched and unrelated as it may sound, is it actually true that Alzheimer’s disease might in fact be linked to poor dental health? According to studies in recent years, there may be a stronger link than we might have ever imagined. While there appears to be a strong chance that gum disease can cause Alzheimer’s, there are still steps that can be taken to help avoid such a fate.
Mouth-Brain Connection
Scientists from the University of Lancashire in England performed a study in which they found traces of a bacterium that is generally present in the mouth actually in the brains of some of their subjects. The correlation between the ten test subjects’ Alzheimer’s and the presence of the bacteria (known as Porphyromonas gingivalis) was that the bacteria is one generally present in the mouth of those who suffer from periodontal disease (also known simply as gum disease). Brain samples were taken from ten patients who suffered from Alzheimer’s and ten samples were taken from subjects without Alzheimer’s. Those with Alzheimer’s all had traces of the periodontal bacteria in their brain samples.
How Does the Bacteria Affect the Brain?
The hypothesis based on the findings from the study is that the bacteria travels into the brain, and then proceeds to set off a trigger in the immune system. What this trigger does is tell the body that there is something foreign in the area, and that it is bad, and it needs to be eradicated. The immune system then sends out its attack, releasing a chemical that ends up killing brain cells. This loss of brain cells is thought to eventually lead to loss of memory and therefore Alzheimer’s disease.
What Can Be Done to Stop it?
While the study did produce these results, more money is being sought in order to fund further research on the subject. Only time and additional testing and research will tell, but in the mean time, in can’t hurt to continue proper mouth health and improve your dental health. Brush at least twice a day, and remember to floss every day. If you are unable to brush your teeth in some situations or after every meal and snack, simply swish water in your mouth to remove stagnant food particles. By removing the bacteria from your mouth you will lessen the chance of the gum disease that has been linked to Alzheimer’s in the study. One of the primary causes of gum disease is lack of oral hygiene, with lack of flossing being the biggest culprit. As many as up to thirty percent of adults are said to suffer from gum disease at some point in their lives, so work to prevent yourself from becoming part of that statistic.
The bottom line:
While further studies have yet to be held, the current findings are startling. Although the amount of subjects tested was small, the University is seeking the funding to do more thorough research and testing. In the mean time, it can’t hurt to pay extra special attention to your teeth and mouth, and develop a healthy, thorough mouth-care routine if you haven’t already.
Becca is an avid health and nutrition blogger. She’s currently working with Dentists R Us in Coquitlam BC to help educate the public about dental care and health.
Here are four different sleep apnea treatment options and some of the benefits of each one."
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Although this disease can be serious when left untreated, the good news is, there is a lot that can be done to make it easier to live with.
Here are four different sleep apnea treatment options and some of the benefits of each one.
1) An oral appliance
Sometimes, when you have only a mild case of this disease, there are extremely simple fixes for it. For instance, an oral appliance can be a good and quick solution.
These devices essentially reposition your tongue and lower jaw, which ensures your throat and breathing passageway remain clear and open during sleep. As a result, you should be able to sleep soundly.
In order to get one of these products, you are fitted by someone who specializes in dental devices. This ensures the item fits you perfectly and thus cuts down on any feelings of discomfort or awkwardness during use.
2) Masks and CPAP therapy choices
Possibly the most common course of action taken to treat apnea is a mask providing continuous airway pressure therapy, otherwise known as CPAP.
This solution basically consists of a mask that slips over either just your nose or both your nose and mouth. You wear it while you are sleeping, and a little tube that connects to the mask will also connect to a device administering a steady amount of air pressure while you breathe. This keeps your breathing passage open so you don’t experience apnea issues.
The benefits of this choice are that the machine is virtually soundless and you don’t need to take any medication or have invasive surgeries to treat the disease. Most doctors prefer this course of treatment for the problem.
3) Surgery
Sometimes, wearing an apparatus while sleeping isn’t an option for patients, or they simply don’t want to. If this is the case, surgery is a possibility. However, it doesn’t always completely solve the problem, and often you could need more than one procedure. Even if the symptoms improve after this invasive course, sometimes individuals still find they must use the CPAP mask afterward.
4) Weight loss programs
One of the simplest, most cost-effective and non-invasive ways to treat apnea is by undergoing weight loss. By exercising and altering your diet, the symptoms often disappear or are drastically lessened.
While one or more of these obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treatment options may not be possible for you, chances are there is something available to improve your quality of life. If you consult your physician to be tested today, you can begin the process of overcoming this common disease.
Keith, a longtime obstructive sleep apnea sufferer, has found resources like WakeUpToSleep.com to be extremely beneficial in explaining the various treatment options for this disease. As a writer, he is thrilled to be able to share his wealth of knowledge with others.
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"Chiropractic medicine dates back to the end of the 19th century when Daniel Palmer first developed systems for bonesetting and treating subluxations."
Medical doctors in one form or another have been around since the first civilizations thousands of years ago. But chiropracty has only been an established field of study and treatment for less than two hundred years.
The Father of Modern Chiropractic Medicine
Daniel David “D. D.” Palmer is generally credited with being the father of modern chiropractic treatment. According to various sources, Palmer performed his first adjustment in 1895 on a deaf janitor. His treatment combined elements of then-practiced treatments called bonesetting and magnetic healing.
How Subluxations were First Treated
In the 19th century, most physicians felt that fixing broken bones was not really worth their time or effort so patients went to a bonesetter. In addition to setting broken limbs, they also treated subluxations, which are partial dislocations. The treatment was to wrench the joint back into place.
In addition to discovering specific spinal adjustment Palmer also developed the philosophy of chiropractic treatment that became the foundation for the profession.
“I am not the first person to replace subluxated vertebrae,” Palmer once said, “but I do claim to be the first person to replace displaced vertebrae by using the spinous and transverse processes as levers...and to develop the philosophy and science of chiropractic adjustments.
About Daniel David “D. D.” Palmer
Palmer was born in Ontario, Canada, in 1845 and moved to the United States when he was 20 years old, eventually settling in Davenport, Iowa. In 1885, He became interested in magnetic healing and opened the Palmer Cure & Infirmary a couple years later.
In September 1895, Palmer learned that his office janitor, Harvey Lillard, had normal hearing for most of his life until the day he had been hunched over and felt something pop in his back. When he stood up, he couldn’t hear anymore. Palmer suspected the deafness and pop were related. So he checked the janitor’s back.
“I reasoned that if that vertebra was replaced, the man’s hearing should be restored,” he wrote in his notes. “With this object in view, a half hour’s talk persuaded Mr. Lillard to allow me to replace it. I racked it into position by using the spinous process as a lever, and soon the man could hear as before.”
Where did the Word Chiropractic Originate?
After that, Palmer perfected what he called hand treatments. He later coined the word chiropractic, which comes from the Greek words chiro (hand) and practic (operation).
He changed the name of his clinic to the Palmer School & Infirmary of Chiropractic and started accepting students in 1898.
Palmer believed spinal health affected overall health and could be the cause of myriad of ailments such as migraines because spinal adjustments to correct vertebral misalignments eliminated the nerve interference causing the patients’ complaints.
Although the chiropractic treatments have advanced significantly since Palmer’s time, the basic philosophy of a drug-free method of correcting vertebral subluxations remains.
My name is Ryan and I like to share information about healthcare-related issues, such as facts you should know about chiropractic, how to prevent injury when working out, and where to locate the best chiropractic care in South Scottsdale, AZ.
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1. Squash
Among the top 7 sports to improve your health is squash. It is an international sport played by two or four people. The best thing about squash is that you can play it alone. Therefore, you do not have to worry if you do not have someone to play with. You can simply pick your squash racket and play the sport against a wall. However, it is always important to play against someone as it raises the competitive spirit. The secret behind the health improvement is the physical movement involved as it helps to burn excessive fats. This helps in avoiding lifestyle diseases such as diabetes.
2. Football/ Soccer
Soccer is the most popular sports and probably the easiest one to play. You just need to join a few interested people, a football, and a playing ground and you are good to go. This sport involves much running; in fact, it can not be interesting without running. The fact that soccer involves physical movements makes it to be categorized among the sports that can improve your health.
3. Long distance running
Long distance running falls under the sports that help to improve health. However, sprint or speed running is also important. It is crucial for burning quick calories. It is also helpful for improving health in the long term. More important in improving your health is slow but constant long distance running.
4. Tennis
There are various things you require to start playing tennis. The first thing you need a decent court for tennis is not like badminton, which can be played on any ground. In tennis, the ball is required to bounce. When you play tennis in the chilly cold weather of the winter, you will not only find your heart pounding, but your body will become warm. It also helps to burn excess fats from your body.
5. Swimming
Among the sports that improve health, swimming is considered a safe sport. This is because without considering drowning, it is almost impossible to get injuries. It has its rules as well as styles that are used in this sport. You can engage in swimming just for fun or as a competition. Either way, the sport will help to improve your health.
6. Cycling
There are many health advantages of cycling. For instance, it helps to avoid diabetes since it aids in insulin production in the body. More active cycling such as mountain biking may pose some risks, but it is important for your health. Therefore, you should not consider cycling as only a sport for fun. It is very crucial in improving your health.
7. Hockey
Last but not the least among the top 7 sports to improve your health is hockey. It is an international sport with its own rules and methods. It falls under the active sports where a lot of running is required. To play this game, you require a hockey stick and a better playing ground. Therefore, it is an expensive sport especially when one is trying to start it in a community. However, there are ways one can get deals on cheap hockey equipments in order to save the start up cost.
These are the top 7 sports to improve your health. If you are searching for some sports that will improve your health, look no further because these sports improve your health in one way or the other. It is all about making your favorite choice.
Author Bio- This post has been written by Nicky Jiny. She is a Health and Fitness Expert.She recommends Diet Direct Company for providing best meal replacement shakes for weight loss.
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"In an attempt to preserve the knowledge gained from the Human Genome Project, NanoRosetta created a project to distribute copies of DNA. "
In an attempt to preserve the knowledge gained from the Human Genome Project which completed sequencing of the entire human genome in 2003, NanoRosetta created a Kickstarter project aiming to distribute copies of the genome to 80 Custodians spanning every continent. The genome is printed on five nickel discs using nanotechnology.
NanoRosetta Uses Nanotechnology for Long Term Analog Data Storage
NanoRosetta argues that the analog print is necessary for long term storage of the data, predicting that the discs will last for 10,000 years. While digital copies of the 130 books worth of information can be easily stored, they can only be read by software and hardware that could become lost and obsolete. To illustrate this point, the University of Lanceister actually printed the human genome in 130 volumes of 300 pages each, demonstrating that traditional analog archiving would require a whole room to store this volume of data. They estimate that the genome would take about 95 years to read cover to cover.
Seeking 80 People on Every Continent to Preserve Copies of Human Genome
In addition to storing this valuable information, the discs will make unique art pieces for the 80 Custodians. To obtain a copy, those interested must donate at least $1,250 to the project. Smaller donations can be made to receive recognition as a Noted Supporter. At the time of writing, the project is backed by 14 people who contributed $1,521 toward the goal of $100,000. The remaining funds must be donated in the next 39 days to keep the project going.
Carnegie Mellon University Moon Art Project Will Carry Human Genome in Lunar Lander
In collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University's Moon Art Project, one disc set will be packed into their lunar lander and sent to the moon by 2015. The moon's lack of atmosphere and liquid water makes it an ideal location to preserve the genome copy for a much longer period of time by minimizing any wear and erosion.
Additional Copies of Human Genome Will Be Donated to Archiving Organizations
Copies of the genome will also be donated to organizations such as the Long Now Foundation and the Internet Archive. NanoRosetta intends to distribute so many copies of the genome throughout the world and on the moon in order to protect the information from single-point failure in which a single natural disaster could wipe out the data.
The project will theoretically allow for the reconstruction of a human being after the event of human extinction. The discs can be retrieved using a metallurgical microscope, and sufficiently advanced biotechnology could reconstruct the sequence out of real DNA.
NanoRosetta also teamed up with the Long Now Foundation on a nanotechnology archiving project to preserve all human languages. The Rosetta Disk stores 13,000 pages of information and spans 1,500 languages.
Derek is currently blogging for GTL DNA, a paternity testing site. When he is not blogging or working, he enjoys relaxing with his family and golfing.
"Bed sores become irritating and very painful. This blog goes into more detail about how they are caused and how they can be prevented. "
The purpose of this blog is to inform people who have loved ones or, are indeed, suffering themselves from bed sores. These are not only irritating but they can become very painful and if the problem isn’t addressed, they can also become infected which causes all sorts of additional medical issues.
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What Are They?
Commonly known as pressure sores within the medical profession, they can (in their mildest form) appear as an area of brown or red skin that’s tender to touch. In the most severe cases they will become incredibly painful, larger in appearance and the skin will break exposing the vulnerable tissue beneath. If this does happen, it leaves the patient open to infection.
It’s worth noting that you may also have a nurse or doctor refer to plaster sores and these occur when casts have been incorrectly fitted to fractured or broken bones.
Where Do They Appear?
Most commonly, this type of sore will first present itself on the outside of the coccyx (your spinal tailbone). They also appear at the sacrum which is the triangular shaped bone located at the base of the spine. They can also appear in other places on the body where pressure from the bones is at its most against the skin. This includes heels, elbows, knees and the head.
Why do People Suffer?
People who are bed-ridden for a long time can suffer with pressure sores. They’re also very common in people who have mobility problems and spend large amounts of time (if not, all their time) in a wheelchair or bed. What happens is blood is prevented from reaching important areas of tissue that cover the bony areas of the body resulting in what we know as bed sores.
How Are They Treated?
For those that suffer from pressure sores in their mildest form, treatment will usually involve relieving the pressure to the area that’s affected. They may also be dressed to help stave off infection. In the most severe cases, treatment isn’t the easiest thing in the world, and can involve chemical treatments or surgery.
The fact is that prevention is better than a cure and people don’t have to suffer in this way just because they can’t move around on their own.
Home Prevention
If you have to take care of someone at home who is either in a wheelchair or bed-ridden, it’s vitally important you make sure the pressure on bony parts of the body is relieved regularly. This can be done by manually moving the body around where possible. There are also specialist mattresses and wheelchairs available that help. A good diet with plenty of fluids will help keep the skin supple and can aid in the prevention of these nasty sores.
Medical Prevention
If you or someone you know is in hospital or a care home, bed sores should never be a problem! The reason for this is the professionals that take care of people who are not able to move around themselves are properly qualified to make sure this doesn’t happen.
An assessment should take place of how mobile the patient is and a proper care plan should be laid out for them. Casts should be properly placed in order to prevent plaster sores.
Negligence can be difficult to prove. Whilst every effort is usually made to ensure the patient is comfortable and doesn’t suffer, there are times when a mild form of pressure sores can appear. However, if the case is severe, you may have a case for negligence. It could mean that proper equipment such as beds and wheelchairs have not been used.
It could even mean that bedding has not been changed regularly enough to stop infection which is especially important in patients that are incontinent. If you feel you have a case, don’t be afraid to stand up and speak out. There are companies out there that specialise in getting you the compensation you deserve for the discomfort you’ve suffered.
Paula Whately is a writer who believes that if you are in a medical environment, trained professionals should ensure that bed sores do not affect you. However, if you do experience a severe case of these sores then you could file a claim for medical negligence.
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Nocturia is more common in the over 60’s
and there are a number of reasons why. When you’re asleep at night your body
makes a hormone which slows down your kidney function whilst you sleep. Yet
when you get older, less of this hormone is produced and as a result your
bladder continues to fill up in the same way it does in the day.
Nocturia can occur in both men and women
but in men the prostate gland becomes enlarged as men get older called - Benign
Prostatic Hyperplasia. Over half of men aged 60 and over have enlarged prostate
glands. When the prostate gland becomes enlarged, it then restricts the bladder
and causes difficulty passing urine which means the bladder has difficulty
fully emptying. This means that as the bladder is always partially full, it
takes less time for the bladder to fill up again. In this instance using catheters would drain the excess urine from the bladder and be an effective
way of tackling this cause of nocturia.
There are a range of other reasons why
nocturia may occur:
· Taking medication which is a diuretic
· Diabetes - when more sugar occurs within urine, it stimulates the production of extra urine.
· Cystitis
· Overactive bladder
· Chronic Urinary Retention - Causes frequent and small volumes of urine to be passed during the day and at night.
· The body produces a large volume of urine (nocturnal polyuria)
· Insomnia
· Neurological - The bladder is controlled by the brain and as a result neurological conditions will affect how the bladder works. This can occur in multiple sclerosis, spinal cord syndrome and cervical cord compression.
How can Nocturia be treated?
Keep a diary of how much you drink
throughout the day so you can notice any patterns between your consumption and
how frequently you urinated during the night. Drink earlier the day and have a
cut-off point in the evening where you don’t consume any liquids 2-3 hours
before bed.
Avoid drinking caffeine laden drinks as
these act as a diuretic, tea coffee and fizzy drinks could for instance be
changed to decaffeinated versions.
Medication such as Bumetanide or furosemide
can help to regulate urine production and control the amount of urine produced
at night. Darifenacin causes the kidney to produce less urine and stops bladder
spasms. Imipramine may decrease the amount of urine produced. Medications to
relax the muscles in the bladder and reduce the need for night-time urination
are ocybutynin, solifenacin or tolterodine. Trospium chloride can be used to
block those receptors within the bladder wall that result in an overactive
bladder. Depending on the reason why you are suffering with nocturia, your
doctor will advise on the best course of medication.
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According to studies, hemochromatosis, or iron overload, is more common for people of northern Europe ancestry. In the US, one out of seven Americans suffers from it. It is very common, yet most people wouldn’t know they have the disease until they start experiencing symptoms from organ failure. This illness also has no cure, since iron is essential in most of our bodily functions.
Iron is essential in metabolism and oxygen transport. It easily exchanges electrons with other elements in the bloodstream, and though this characteristic of iron makes it essential, it can also cause damage by forming free radicals that causes damage to the cells and DNA. Iron can be a poison, and unless properly used and stored by the body, it can cause great harm. This is the reason why unless you’re anemic, you shouldn’t take more iron than you normally need.
The first case of hemochromatosis was first diagnosed in 1865 by Dr. Armand Trousseau, however, at that time, the symptoms he was describing was attributed to a disease called Trousseau’s Syndrome. Trousseau’s Syndrome is a blood clotting disorder associated with gastrointestinal cancer. Symptoms noticed by the doctor include skin bronzing, diabetes and cirrhosis. Unfortunately, Dr. Trousseau died from the same disease that he first diagnosed. Most people did not notice that aside from Trousseau’s Syndrome, Dr. Trousseau was able to study about hemochromatosis. A few decades later, Dr. Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen studied more about disease and gave it its name. It was earlier called “bronze diabetes”, due to its symptoms.
However, there are other symptoms of hemochromatosis, and it is a challenge for doctors to know which of the organs are showing symptoms of iron overload. This disease can cause different kinds of organ malfunction, and if undetected, can eventually cause organ failure. Despite the fact that there is really no cure for hemochromatosis, there is a way to keep iron levels normal for those people living with the disease.
Since hemochromatosis is a disease related to the blood, the most common cure for it is phlebotomy, or bloodletting. For most patients, phlebotomy sessions once or twice a week are done to normalize the iron levels in the blood. The sessions continue for maintenance purposes, mostly once or twice a year, since the patient’s body is made to absorb excess iron and there is nothing doctors can do about it.
The presence of the C282Y gene causes hemochromatosis, and this disease is genetic. Despite the fact that there is no cure for hemochromatosis, phlebotomy can save the patients’ lives. By drawing blood from the patients, iron levels can be kept at bay, keeping the patients safe from any damage that can be caused by excess iron.
Phlebotomy is an important procedure that can help save lives. There is always a demand for phlebotomists, and if you are looking for a job while helping save people’s lives, then the career of a trained phlebotomist is for you. You just need a high school diploma, courage and the willingness to work in the field of medicine. In as short as four months, you can start on your career in the field of medicine. Not only would you have a stable job, you’ll also get to do something worthwhile and very important.
About the author:
Marissa Olson is a writer and an educator. She writes for Phlebotomy Training Group, a leading website for phlebotomy training and certification resources in the United States.
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Drug testing kits have become commonplace in employment processes across organizations around the world. There are various types of drug testing kits available, many of them in four to 12-panel kits. Many of these tests have been perfected to such an extent that they not only provide laboratory-level accuracy but can also detect attempts to bypass or cheat these tests. For instance, urine tests can often be bypasses by drinks, pills, or even bleach, but modern drug testing kits can detect when such attempts are made. Given below are some popular types of drug testing kits:
a. Urine drug testing kits
These are the most common types of drug testing kits, and they are favored more because of their ease of use and high level of accuracy. An adulterant test is often used in conjunction with the urine testing kit to increase its accuracy and get faster readings. Most modern urine testing kits can detect 10 popular drugs, and they can be used at home, for work, or in drug rehab courses.
b. Saliva drug testing kits
Saliva testing kits are also quite popular as home drug testing kits. In this case, there is no need for an adulterant test since it is difficult to manipulate saliva samples. They are used best to detect if drugs have been used in last 24-72 hours. After 72 hours, the accuracy of saliva drug testing kits is not reliable.
c. Blood drug testing kits
This test is more common when seeing if a person is currently under the influence of alcohol or some drug. They may be used after accidents, during roadside sobriety tests, and even in some random workplace tests that are conducted by many organizations. Since they are meant to test for current influence, the test results generally read position only if alcohol or some other drug has been used in the last 12 hours. As a result, these kits are not used to check the drug history of a person.
Advantages of using drug testing kits
a. Quick results
With quick drug testing kits, there is no need to send samples to the laboratory for testing. The results are seen within a matter of minutes, and there is a smaller chance of tampering or loss of the sample during transit to the laboratory.
b. Better safety
Individuals who are impaired by drugs or alcohol are a safety risk to themselves as well as to their coworkers and the general public. They can be especially dangerous when their work involves safety-critical functions, like train driver, air traffic controllers, pilots, etc.
c. Better employee and public welfare
These drug testing kits can promptly detect drug or alcohol abuse issues, which in turn can promote attempts to improve the health and welfare of the individuals who have such problems. They can be encouraged to get professional help by their employers or from their family, and their efforts to address their substance abuse issues can be supported.
"The lower back is more susceptible to pain than any other part of the back. Here are the best exercises to help you relieve lower back pain."
Men and women both feel the effects of growing older and nothing reminds you of your vulnerability faster than moderate to severe lower back pain. These pains can have devastating effects on day to to day living and can cut down on your ability to perform household chores, go out, or even participate in family activities. Whatever the nature of your injury, research has shown that by performing low back exercises, you can lower the severity of the pain and restore strength and agility in your back musculature.
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There are More General Exercises that are also Beneficial for the Lower Back
1. Aerobics,
This drives the heart and muscles to pump more blood and promote a speedier recovery and good overall health and well-being
2. Strength building
Which focus on rebuilding back and leg muscles that have suffered injuries
3. Stretching Exercise
Either in the form of Yoga or basic stretch exercises, can help to prevent further injury by building strength an flexibility in the joints
Now consider some low back exercises you can engage in
You can do these either at home, or find a local gym and take advantage of their space. Before doing so, make sure you clear with your physical therapist first that it is alright for you to engage in these exercises for lower back pain.
1. Wall squats
With your back against the wall, standing, squat down until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. There should not be any complications with this exercise since your weight is supported by your legs, but still gives room for your lower back to move and adjust.
2. Yoga
The power of yoga is full extension at a moderate pace that gives your body ample time to adjust to new positions and works several new areas.
3. Yoga ball
Yes, it may look silly, but the give and bounce of the ball allows you to engage in more abstract positions and exercises for lower back pain without injuring yourself even further.
4. Pelvic lifts
in an all-four position, gyrate your pelvis bone up and down in a rhythmic bending motion. This exercise is safe and non-invasive and works the exact muscles that you need.
5. Side Bends
lying spread eagle on your back, turn your hips to one side, stretching one leg over the other without moving your shoulders.
6. Bike
A stationary aerobic bike for 20-30 minutes at a moderate speed and setting while keeping your spine straight will work legs and lower back in a steady, slow burn.
Avoid low back exercises that put too much strain on your affected area. Clear any an all exercises for lower back pain with your specialist and doctor before engaging in a serious regime. If you are one of the man thousands of people afflicted with serious back pain, low back exercises can promote a faster rate of healing and improve physical strength and well-being.
Written by Tom Black who is an expert in body fitness and skin treatment through nutrition and exercise. You can check out some of his reviews at http://bodytreatmentreviews.com
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Causes of Tinnitus
Doctors do not consider tinnitus a disease. Instead, it is regarded as a medical condition resulting from a variety of underlying health issues, such as:
* Multiple sclerosis or other forms of neurological damage
* Prolonged ear infections
* Chronic sinusitis or allergies that promote fluid build-up in the middle ear
* Foreign objects piercing the eardrum
* Excessive production of ear wax
* Continuous exposure to loud noises
* Zinc deficiency (zinc is an essential mineral vital to synthesizing protein in the body)
Tinnitus may also accompany hearing loss associated with aging and deterioration of the inner ear mechanisms. People over 55 commonly reporttinnitus symptoms as well as difficulty hearing sounds that possess the same range frequencies as the ringing and buzzing noises associated withtinnitus. Otolaryngologists suggest this is due to a self-regulating response initiated by neurons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus that are trying to compensate for the loss of sufficient auditory input.
Subjective Tinnitus versus Objective Tinnitus
People diagnosed with subjective tinnitus report a ringing in the ears that is not empirically detectable by the physician. Otologic disorders such as hearing loss caused by extended exposure to loud sounds, eardrum perforations, certain prescription medications or autoimmune disorders are frequent causes of subjective tinnitus.
Pulsatile tinnitus is a common form of subjective tinnitus that is ascertainable when a person "hears" the sound of his or her pulse beating in time with accompanying hissing or humming noises. Usually due to a change in blood flow turbulence close to the ear, pulsatile tinnitus may indicate the presence of an ear infection, high levels of aspirin in the body or something more serious like a carotid artery aneurysm.
Alternately, a diagnosis of objective tinnitus means that an otologist can actually perceive noises emanating from the inner ear. Objective tinnitusnoises are usually crackling or clicking noises occurring when muscles in the middle ear experience strong spasms or blood vessels are suffering an increase in blood flow pressure. Doctors can detect objective tinnitus using a stethoscope similar to the kind used to listen to the heart.
Treatments for Objective Tinnitus
Noninvasive procedures for eliminating objective tinnitus include cleaning the ear if excessive ear wax is affecting the functionality of middle ear muscles, medications to relax muscle spasms or antidepressants for people who have a dual diagnosis of depression and tinnitus. Recent studies show that it is not uncommon for depressed patients to experience intermittent tinnitus.
Invasive treatments to relieve objective tinnitus include:
* Cochlear implants
* Gamma knife radiosurgery when tumors are causing tinnitus
* Repair of congenital deformities within the middle and inner ear
Possible Treatments for Subjective Tinnitus
* Antidepressants
* Avoiding caffeine and nicotine (two primary causes of increased blood flow pressure)
* Taking zinc supplements if the person is found to have a zinc deficiency
Because the reasons behind subjective tinnitus are not as clear-cut as reasons underlying objective tinnitus, patients may have to experiment with several treatment plans while relying on a "white noise" machine to help them sleep.
Prognosis for Tinnitus
If a person develops tinnitus symptoms following trauma or exposure to dangerously loud noises (gunshots or explosions, for example) the condition may subside in several months but leave a certain amount of permanent hearing loss, especially if the trauma was severe enough to cause structural damage to inner ear hair cells or to the auditory vestibular nerve.
"Lower back pain is often common among men and women especially as they advance in age. Here are the top 5 exercises for the lower back that helps you keep fit."
Due primarily to sitting for extended periods, lower back pain is a chronic problem. Ironically, when lower back pain strikes the last thing people feel like doing is exercising. However, back exercises for men and women both are what often help the most, as lower back exercises are critical for strengthening muscles and increasing flexibility.
Downward-Facing Lower Back Stretches
Back Extension
Dumbbell Squats
Written by Tom Black who is an expert in body fitness and skin treatment through nutrition and exercise.
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Lower Back Exercises for Flexibility
Upward-Facing Lower Back Stretches
Lying flat on the floor or a bench and facing the ceiling, the legs and arms are brought upwards. The hands are paced behind the knees and the knees are pulled in, gently, with the arms towards the chest. The position is held for 15- to 20-seconds and released. Exercise is repeated three times.
Lying face down and keeping the chin touching the floor or bench, the legs are raised upwards as far as possible, behind the back. The position is held for 15- to 20-seconds and released. Exercise is repeated three times.
Lower Back Exercises for Strength
One of the best overall strength training back exercises for men and women is the back extension. Lying flat on a bench facing upwards the upper torso is positioned to hang over the edge of the bench just below the small of the back. With the legs hanging over the sides of the bench and the toes tucked up against the bottom of the bench, the body is lowered down as far as is comfortable and then raised to the starting position, even with the bench, for 8- to 12-repetitons for three sets.
Standing upright a dumbbell is held in each hand with arms hanging downward, next to the sides.
The lower back is bent forward while bending the knees until the upper legs reach a 45-degree angle. The legs and back are then straightened to the starting position. Exercise is repeated for 8- to 12-repetitons for three sets.
Also known as the core muscles, the main function of the abdominal muscles is to stabilize the midsection of the body, including the lower back. As such strengthening the abdominals is by doing sit-ups is by far one of the best back exercises for men and women.
Lying flat on the floor with the legs bent at the knees and toes tucked under a heavy object, such as a bed or dresser, the upper body is raised to a 45-degree angle and then lowered back to the staring position, stopping just short of the back touching the floor. The exercise is repeated 8 to 12 times without stopping. Sit-ups are best done in sets of three, with a one minute rest between sets.
To achieve maximum flexibility, lower back exercises focusing on stretching should be performed every day. For maximum results, strength training back exercises for men and women alike should be done every other day.
Written by Tom Black who is an expert in body fitness and skin treatment through nutrition and exercise.
Photo license: Some rights reserv http://flic.kr/p/cpfSkf |
Are Parents to Blame?
He isn’t the only one feeling that way. Many feel that the problem isn’t with the children; it is with the parents, viewed by many as preferring a pill over proper discipline. At the first sign of any behavior resembling hyperactivity, they make an appointment with the doctor.
ADHD is such a prevalent diagnosis anymore that many parents feel pressured into having little Timmy checked out. Perhaps their reasoning stems from experience. His outbursts in the supermarket checkout line are drawing too much attention and he doesn’t respond to their discipline, so what choice do they have. Or his teacher mentions in a parent teacher conference that his disruptive behavior in class should be looked into. However, the problem may not be that simple.
Are Doctors to Blame?
A recent research study conducted by researchers at Germany’s Ruhr-Universitat Bochum and University of Basel found that adolescent psychotherapists and psychiatrists tended to diagnose patients on factors other than recognized diagnostic criteria. The participants were provided with one of four case vignettes, and then asked to give a diagnosis and recommend a therapy protocol.
In three of the four cases, the symptoms provided did not meet ADHD criteria. The fourth case was the only one to fulfill ADHD standards based on the valid diagnostic criteria. In addition, the gender of the child varied, creating a total of eight case vignettes. When two identical cases of different genders were compared, the results showed that the therapists diagnosed the male case with ADHD more frequently than they did the identical female case.
What the Study Found
In the study, many of the adolescent psychotherapists and psychiatrists based their decisions on heuristics and unclear rules of thumb. In other words, they went with their gut feelings rather than adhere to proper diagnostic criteria.
The study found that therapists made their diagnosis on prototypical symptoms which included restlessness, impulsiveness, and lack of concentration. In the identical cases, a boy exhibiting these symptoms was diagnosed with ADHD, whereas a girl was typically not.
The gender of the therapist also played a role in the diagnosis. Female therapists gave markedly fewer diagnoses for ADHD than did their male counterparts.
Root of the Problem
In recent decades diagnoses of ADHD have skyrocketed. Also noteworthy is that the dosage of medicine has increased over time. All of the adversity surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD can be traced back to a lack of research into the diagnostic parameters surrounding ADHD. As such many therapists rely on intuition and past experience, rather than adhere to the established guidelines for proper diagnosis.
About the author:
Vance Hobbes is a freelance writer and former medical researcher. Hobbes writes about many facets of the medical field, and works with CompHealth. When he's not writing the day away, he spends his free time tending to his prizewinning garden and attending any basketball game he can find.