"Where do you think vaping will go next, knew vaping cafes are popping up around the UK, what do you think the next steps will be?"
You might associate coffee shops with the hip café scene of Amsterdam, but it looks like the UK is taking this concept into its own hands in 2014. As vaping continues to grow in popularity, it seems that there are no bounds to the innovation that this worldwide trend can provoke. And what, you ask, is the latest of these future-thinking developments? Vaping coffee shops. Let’s have a look at where, why and what is going on with the new trend.
"Cig a like-- 2013-10-21 03-47" by User:TheNorlo - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Common |
There are many reasons why e-cigarettes have exploded onto the market in recent years. By cutting out the harmful toxins of tobacco smoke, they are a deemed to be a much safer substitute for the smoker and everyone around them. E-cigarettes are also much cheaper than tobacco too. However the other great thing about vaping is that it allows smokers to enjoy their nicotine fix without being caught out by the smoking ban. But if this means that you can still smoke an e-cigarette in any regular pub, café or restaurant, why are we seeing a rise of vaping cafes?
By overcoming the smoking ban and putting a whole new lease of life into nicotine, vaping has suddenly gone from smoking alternative to a smoking hot trend. As more and more people ditch the cigarettes for a smarter substitute, the habit is once again in vogue. So why be the odd one out in your Café Nero or Starbucks with your vaporizer, when you could chill out with like minded people, good coffee and an even better vaping vibe?
The first pioneers to jump on the trend were predictably in London, as The Vape Lab hit the scene in March on Liverpool Street. The chic e-cigarette and coffee shop combined the capital’s love of coffee with the growing love of vaping, to create a cosmopolitan hub that has really made waves. Following suit, July sees the opening of a Coffee Republic e-cigarette branch in North Lincolnshire, a sign that the trend is filtering down into the towns and cities around the rest of the UK. No longer will you get a double take from those around you when you begin puffing on an e-cigarette; vaporizers are settling well and truly into the norms of society, and at a vaping coffee shop you can puff away in a chic and relaxing setting.
Whether or not vaping coffee shops will have a long life span is yet to be seen, but the undeniable fact is that e-cigarettes have gone from the fringes of society right into the heart of the social scene, displayed by this futuristic new café concept. It may be a while until a vaping coffee shop opens its doors on your high street, but it’s a good sign that the future is bright for e-cigarettes in the UK as they become further embedded into our culture.
So this is the direction for vaping at the moment. What do you think will happen next and where do you think the vaping revolution take you?
An article by Kelly Gilmour-Grassam who knows what's happening out in the world. She often writes for Prestige Vaping.
Six years ago, a biologist named James Watson and a physicist named Francis Crick discovered DNA. See how DNA testing is benefiting people till this day.
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Six years ago, a biologist named James Watson and a physicist named Francis Crick discovered DNA. However, most sources suggest that people had been conducting research on DNA since the 1860s. Today, people can use DNA testing to find out all sorts of neat things. Below are some of the things that we can do with DNA testing:
Map Out Your Family Tree
All you have to do is pay $99 for a DNA test, and you will be able to find thousands of your relatives. There also websites like ancestry.com that help you find your relatives by comparing your DNA to the DNA of the people that they already have on record. Additionally, it is possible to find people from past generations by tracing DNA.
Solve Old Mysteries
Richard III was one of England’s most famous kings. When he died, no one knew where he was buried. However, the mystery was solved when his remains were found in a Leicester parking lot. Scientists found out the remains were indeed Richard III’s when they examined DNA from the bones and matched it to Michael Ibsen. Michael Ibsen was a descendent of Richard III’s sister.
That was not the first time that DNA had been used to identify the remains of a person. People believed for many years that Czar Nicholas III’s children had escaped during the Russian Revolution. However, a DNA analysis of bone fragments showed that the children had been killed along with the rest of the family.
Distinguish Your Mutt
Have you ever wondered why your dog enjoys digging holes in the yard? Are you also trying to find ways that you can keep your dog happy and healthy? Your dog cannot give you the answer to those questions, but his DNA can. There is a website called wisdompanel.com that gives information about dogs’ genetic background. This website will test your dog’s DNA against the DNA of over 190 dog breeds.
Make Predictions About The Future
Scientists can take saliva from the father and blood from the mother to determine whether the unborn child has a chromosomal abnormality that could lead to a genetic disorder. For example, a DNA test could reveal whether a child will develop Down’s syndrome, which is also known as trisomy 21.
Researchers are currently trying to develop tests that will determine whether a child will have autism and other intellectual disabilities. Furthermore, genetic testing can determine whether you are at an increased risk for developing certain illnesses, such as colon cancer or breast cancer.
Lose Weight
Studies have shown that our ability to gain or lose weight is partially determined by our genes. They have also found that there are certain gene variants that may put some people at a greater risk for becoming obese.
Mike is currently blogging for Home DNA, a company that provides prenatal paternity testing and other forms of DNA testing. When he is not blogging, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends.
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Causes of Tinnitus
Doctors do not consider tinnitus a disease. Instead, it is regarded as a medical condition resulting from a variety of underlying health issues, such as:
* Multiple sclerosis or other forms of neurological damage
* Prolonged ear infections
* Chronic sinusitis or allergies that promote fluid build-up in the middle ear
* Foreign objects piercing the eardrum
* Excessive production of ear wax
* Continuous exposure to loud noises
* Zinc deficiency (zinc is an essential mineral vital to synthesizing protein in the body)
Tinnitus may also accompany hearing loss associated with aging and deterioration of the inner ear mechanisms. People over 55 commonly reporttinnitus symptoms as well as difficulty hearing sounds that possess the same range frequencies as the ringing and buzzing noises associated withtinnitus. Otolaryngologists suggest this is due to a self-regulating response initiated by neurons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus that are trying to compensate for the loss of sufficient auditory input.
Subjective Tinnitus versus Objective Tinnitus
People diagnosed with subjective tinnitus report a ringing in the ears that is not empirically detectable by the physician. Otologic disorders such as hearing loss caused by extended exposure to loud sounds, eardrum perforations, certain prescription medications or autoimmune disorders are frequent causes of subjective tinnitus.
Pulsatile tinnitus is a common form of subjective tinnitus that is ascertainable when a person "hears" the sound of his or her pulse beating in time with accompanying hissing or humming noises. Usually due to a change in blood flow turbulence close to the ear, pulsatile tinnitus may indicate the presence of an ear infection, high levels of aspirin in the body or something more serious like a carotid artery aneurysm.
Alternately, a diagnosis of objective tinnitus means that an otologist can actually perceive noises emanating from the inner ear. Objective tinnitusnoises are usually crackling or clicking noises occurring when muscles in the middle ear experience strong spasms or blood vessels are suffering an increase in blood flow pressure. Doctors can detect objective tinnitus using a stethoscope similar to the kind used to listen to the heart.
Treatments for Objective Tinnitus
Noninvasive procedures for eliminating objective tinnitus include cleaning the ear if excessive ear wax is affecting the functionality of middle ear muscles, medications to relax muscle spasms or antidepressants for people who have a dual diagnosis of depression and tinnitus. Recent studies show that it is not uncommon for depressed patients to experience intermittent tinnitus.
Invasive treatments to relieve objective tinnitus include:
* Cochlear implants
* Gamma knife radiosurgery when tumors are causing tinnitus
* Repair of congenital deformities within the middle and inner ear
Possible Treatments for Subjective Tinnitus
* Antidepressants
* Avoiding caffeine and nicotine (two primary causes of increased blood flow pressure)
* Taking zinc supplements if the person is found to have a zinc deficiency
Because the reasons behind subjective tinnitus are not as clear-cut as reasons underlying objective tinnitus, patients may have to experiment with several treatment plans while relying on a "white noise" machine to help them sleep.
Prognosis for Tinnitus
If a person develops tinnitus symptoms following trauma or exposure to dangerously loud noises (gunshots or explosions, for example) the condition may subside in several months but leave a certain amount of permanent hearing loss, especially if the trauma was severe enough to cause structural damage to inner ear hair cells or to the auditory vestibular nerve.
"Lower back pain is often common among men and women especially as they advance in age. Here are the top 5 exercises for the lower back that helps you keep fit."
Due primarily to sitting for extended periods, lower back pain is a chronic problem. Ironically, when lower back pain strikes the last thing people feel like doing is exercising. However, back exercises for men and women both are what often help the most, as lower back exercises are critical for strengthening muscles and increasing flexibility.
Downward-Facing Lower Back Stretches
Back Extension
Dumbbell Squats
Written by Tom Black who is an expert in body fitness and skin treatment through nutrition and exercise.
http://flic.kr/p/87KRxq |
Lower Back Exercises for Flexibility
Upward-Facing Lower Back Stretches
Lying flat on the floor or a bench and facing the ceiling, the legs and arms are brought upwards. The hands are paced behind the knees and the knees are pulled in, gently, with the arms towards the chest. The position is held for 15- to 20-seconds and released. Exercise is repeated three times.
Lying face down and keeping the chin touching the floor or bench, the legs are raised upwards as far as possible, behind the back. The position is held for 15- to 20-seconds and released. Exercise is repeated three times.
Lower Back Exercises for Strength
One of the best overall strength training back exercises for men and women is the back extension. Lying flat on a bench facing upwards the upper torso is positioned to hang over the edge of the bench just below the small of the back. With the legs hanging over the sides of the bench and the toes tucked up against the bottom of the bench, the body is lowered down as far as is comfortable and then raised to the starting position, even with the bench, for 8- to 12-repetitons for three sets.
Standing upright a dumbbell is held in each hand with arms hanging downward, next to the sides.
The lower back is bent forward while bending the knees until the upper legs reach a 45-degree angle. The legs and back are then straightened to the starting position. Exercise is repeated for 8- to 12-repetitons for three sets.
Also known as the core muscles, the main function of the abdominal muscles is to stabilize the midsection of the body, including the lower back. As such strengthening the abdominals is by doing sit-ups is by far one of the best back exercises for men and women.
Lying flat on the floor with the legs bent at the knees and toes tucked under a heavy object, such as a bed or dresser, the upper body is raised to a 45-degree angle and then lowered back to the staring position, stopping just short of the back touching the floor. The exercise is repeated 8 to 12 times without stopping. Sit-ups are best done in sets of three, with a one minute rest between sets.
To achieve maximum flexibility, lower back exercises focusing on stretching should be performed every day. For maximum results, strength training back exercises for men and women alike should be done every other day.
Written by Tom Black who is an expert in body fitness and skin treatment through nutrition and exercise.
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Many people believe that an individual is composed of two primary aspects: the physical side, and the emotional side. In order for a person to become holistically fit, these two things should sync together. If one veers out of the ordinary, the entire individual may suffer the consequences.
For instance, if a man is addicted to smoking, drinking or the use of illegal drugs, it would surely result in something not beneficial for that individual’s entire personality. On the other hand, sadness is also something that could affect the function and activities of a particular person. But what if both aspects are affected or damaged? That happens during depression.
Depression is a low state of mood that can happen to anyone and can result in various physical, emotional and mental issues. Most of the time, people who are suffering from this condition fail to function properly whether they are at home or work. Below are five common causes of depression among people today:
1. Negative and sudden life events –
When a person encounters a sudden life event such as a tragedy, death in the family, accident, etc., there will be a crucial stage which he should overcome. If he is unable to accept reality and move one, he might enter the depression stage.
When a person encounters a sudden life event such as a tragedy, death in the family, accident, etc., there will be a crucial stage which he should overcome. If he is unable to accept reality and move one, he might enter the depression stage.
2. Medication or clinical therapy –
Extensive medication is also a common cause of depression. The prolonged stay in a hospital apart from people you know would lead to misconceptions and confusion.
Extensive medication is also a common cause of depression. The prolonged stay in a hospital apart from people you know would lead to misconceptions and confusion.
3. Mental illness –
There are some people who get into such situation due to pressures in life which could lead to mental disorders.
There are some people who get into such situation due to pressures in life which could lead to mental disorders.
4. Low feeling of self-worth –
A low self-esteem is always a factor during the stages of depression.
A low self-esteem is always a factor during the stages of depression.
5. Hopelessness –
When a person loses hope, he loses everything. He is not able to do anything and would just depend on other people to survive.
When a person loses hope, he loses everything. He is not able to do anything and would just depend on other people to survive.
These are just some of the causes which result in depression or any condition similar to it. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to keep such issues from getting worse. In fact, if you make your preparations you can even prevent depression effectively.
First, you should always maintain a positive attitude when looking at things and aspects in life. If you always think that you have failed and that circumstances do not favor you, you are slowly on your way to the early stages of depression.
Next, you should surround yourself with positive people. Aside from being positive yourself, make sure talk to optimistic and inspiring individuals. This way you would not get any pessimistic ideas and thoughts. This will greatly help keep you from any sign of depression.
Do what you think is good for you and the people around you. However, you should not depend your decisions on what they say or tell you. If you follow them and you fail, you will have a reason to regret what you did, which is one of the paths toward depression. It may sound cheesy, but you should always follow your heart.
Depression is a serious matter which could get even worse if not addressed right away. Some people do not realize that they are depressed until it all burst out and leave them in shambles. Make it a habit to conduct a self-checkup. That way you would be less prone to factors which lead to depression.
About the author:
This guest post article is written for Dr.Sam Von Reiche - one of the expert New Jersey psychologists and life coach offering treatment and diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) /Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/Impulsivity (ADHD), Depression and Bipolar Disorder among others.
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The human body may very well be the most abused organic object in the known universe. It is subjected to thousands of chemicals, it is routinely set against extremes of the weather and it is often neglected. The human body takes a beating on a daily basis and it is a marvel of nature and of science that it can remain intact through years of constant harm. Chemicals and the weather are predominantly environmental factors. They are a part of the ecosystem and short of becoming a full-fledged shut-in there is no real way to avoid them. Neglect is another issue and this is the one thing that people can do something about.
Of all the routinely neglected body parts, there is perhaps no bigger victim than the oral region. People make it a point to bathe every day, to eat every day and to sleep every day but not everyone can make it a point to brush their teeth every day. It is a sadly overlooked aspect of the body and more often than not, people only begin to pay attention when the situation is already dire. The decline of oral health is a very serious matter and it also calls for immediate action. Reaching that point however is completely avoidable and all it takes is following a few simple tips about taking care of the teeth.
The first and most well-known way of caring for teeth is by brushing them. A person should brush at least twice a day, being careful to reach into every corner of the mouth. Brushing should take around 2-3 minutes and then the mouth must be rinsed out with water. It is also advisable to change toothbrushes every 3-4 months. Flossing is another essential element of dental care. Whereas brushing gets rid of the plaque that settles on the surface of the tooth, flossing goes into the corners of the teeth. This allows for the removal of plaque and other foreign materials that may have lodged themselves between teeth. This is an important step because it picks up where the toothbrush takes off and if it is bypassed then certain parts of the mouth will remain unclean. An 18-inch strip of floss should do the job for a single session.
Certain types of food can also have an effect on dental health. It would be wise to dine from a varied selection but avoiding too much starch and sugar is also important when it comes to taking care of teeth. The reason for this is that these particular types of food produce the most acids in the oral region. They also tend to stay longer in the mouth, making them even more damaging. The main culinary culprits of tooth decay are candies, crackers and even dried fruits, so avoid consuming too much of them. It should go without saying that regular visits to the dentist are also important. Make it a habit to meet with the dentist at least once every 6 months to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the mouth. Signing up for regular cleanings is also advisable.
One last tip to better take care of the teeth is rinsing with antibacterial mouthwashes. These products reduce the presence of bacteria that can be found in the mouth. A fluoride-based mouthwash is more effective but it is not recommended for younger users. The health of the mouth is easy to maintain. By following a few basic tips, people can preserve the quality of their teeth and the freshness of their breaths. A little personal grooming is a small price to pay in exchange for a set of pearl white teeth.
About the author:
Anthony Frisbee is a dentist assistant for three years now. He currently works for a dental clinic in Huntington Beach. When he was still in college, he was inspired with the way of a dental clinic New York City, Tribeca Smiles. Join him on twitter @AnthonyFrisbee
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The idea of training your brain to improve your memory and sharpen your thinking is very attractive. After all, who doesn’t want to remember names (as well as faces), who doesn’t want to remember the interesting facts from the book they just read, and who doesn’t want to think clearly and creatively (and logically) through problems? It’s no
wonder, then, that brain training games are so popular. The problem with these games, though, is that they’ve divided the medical and scientific community along two lines: those that believe in their efficacy and those that don’t.
False hope
In 2009, Lab UK began a Brain Test Britain Experiment which was intended to find out if computer-based brain training games improved functioning across a range of cognitive skills. It was designed by some of the best (ahem) brains from the University of Cambridge and the Alzheimer’s Society, and was the biggest study conducted on the phenomenon.It found that computer-based brain training games did not make a meaningful difference to brain skills and definitely didn’t transfer skills from one set to another (e.g., from memory to problem solving).
In 2012, in an article for ABC Health & Wellbeing, Associate Professor Michael Valenzuela (Brain & Mind Research, University of Sydney) said that brain training games don’t improve brain functioning in healthy, working-age adults. Granted, adults perform better at the specific games they play, but the improvements aren’t transferable to other brain skills.
Valenzuela admits that more studies are needed, but he suggests that one reason the skills remain so specific is that adults stick to what they know and don’t challenge themselves with games in areas in which they are not comfortable. Basically, maths people stick to maths training and wordy people stick to word-based exercises.
According to Valenzuela, your brain will benefit more from a ‘cognitive lifestyle’, where you challenge yourself with a variety of activities in your day-to-day life. Activities include learning a new language or musical instrument, tai chi and yoga, and even travelling.
Not so false hope
Interestingly, in April 2010, the Alzheimer’s Society said it was conducting a trial to determine whether brain training had benefits to people over 60 years old or who are at risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
In an article for Scientific American, P. Murali Doraiswamy and Marc E. Agronin cite a study by researchers at Pennsylvania State University, which found that while brain exercises don’t necessarily improve brain functioning for daily activities, there could be benefits that only become apparent in the long-term. The implication being that if you start training your brain now, you might, indeed, do yourself some favours as you get older and your brain naturally starts to decay.
Studies by the University of California, Berkeley and Maastricht University, Netherlands, have found that brain training games can improve self-esteem and willpower, respectively.
So, do computer-based brain training exercises work? You’ll have to make up your own mind about that because the scientific jury is still out.
Written by Sandy Cosser on behalf of Now Learning, which promotes tertiary education courses in Australia, including Excel short courses and healthcare, education and psychology degrees.
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Panic attacks generally peak at about ten minutes in and
then start a slow decline that can last anywhere from a few minutes to several
hours. Because of this, waiting out the panic attack is possible, but there are
strategies you can use to reduce the severity of the panic attack while it's
Strategies to Reduce Panic Attack Severity
Reducing the severity of a panic attack is valuable from a
treatment perspective, because the more severe a panic attack is, the more the
person will fear future attacks. Since fear of panic attacks can create panic
attacks, the more every panic attack is kept under control the better. Some
strategies to help those with panic attacks include:
- Get Them to Talk
Panic attacks are worse when the person is "in their
own head" and focusing too much on their symptoms and the attack. Panic
attacks tend to be at their most severe when someone is trying to fix them on
their own while letting their mind wander to all of the worst case scenarios.
If you can get them to talk, it can help them stay in reality and give them the
right kind of distraction for reducing their panic attack severity.
- Count Breathing – Help Breathing
Most of the severe symptoms of panic attacks come from
hyperventilation, because during a panic attack the person tries too hard to
breathe in oxygen – either breathing too quickly or breathing in too much air
without holding it. This reduces carbon dioxide levels in the body because
you're breathing out CO2 faster than your body needs to. Without carbon
dioxide, your entire body works harder.
This is what causes chest pains, lightheadedness, and
interestingly the feeling as though you're not getting enough oxygen. Unfortunately,
this causes the person to breathe in faster and try to get deeper breaths
rather than slow their breathing to regain CO2.
That's why you can coach them to slow down their breathing.
Have them breathe in for about 5 seconds, hold for 2 or 3 seconds, and breathe
out for 7 seconds. Count for them to make sure that they're breathing slower in
order to prevent the symptoms of hyperventilation from getting worse.
- Walking
Some people find that walking provides great relief from
anxiety symptoms. See if you can get them moving or walking around. It's
unclear why walking has benefits, but it likely gets blood flowing and improve
breathing patterns in a way that individuals are not doing on their own with
anxiety. Some people with panic attacks experience severe dizziness, so walking
isn't always possible, but some type of movement may be beneficial.
Helping Someone
Overcome Panic Attacks
Panic attacks will always be stressful events, and once the
attack comes it's hard to turn it off completely. But there are strategies that
you can complete that will help the person with the panic attack cope with it
The most important thing to do, however, is not tell them
how to feel or do anything that makes them feel embarrassed. The more they open
up and share without worrying about whether they'll be judged, the more they'll
feel that someone is taking care of them, and that makes recovering from panic
attacks much better.
About the Author: Ryan Rivera had severe panic attacks himself, and
speaks from experience about what he needed to overcome them. He writes about
panic attacks at www.calmclinic.com.
Many people suffer from seizures and if you ever see it happen it can be scary. Here are some tips on how to deal with a situation when someone has a seizure
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Seeing someone have a seizure can be one of the scariest things you’ll experience. This person has lost all control of their body, which has resulted in them thrusting around and shaking uncontrollably.Unfortunately, all seizures are different. Some can last for a few seconds while others can last for minutes, and if you’re not trained in how to handle a seizure, you could end up causing even more harm to the seizing individual or even to yourself.If you ever find yourself in a situation where someone is seizing, the following are ways that you can help
Keep calm.
The first time you see someone seize you will feel a variety of different emotions, but it’s very important that you keep calm. Not only will this ensure that you are doing everything you possibly can, but it can also help keep others calm and help make the process easier on everyone involved.
Move everything out of the way.
A seizing person does not have control of their body, and their strong thrusts can move them around a room at a quick pace. Because of this, it’s very important that you clear the area as quickly as you can of anything that can cause harm. Move chairs, toys, furniture and any other movable objects out of the way so that they don’t cause harm if the seizing person were to hit them.
Try to keep time.
Knowing how long a seizure lasts is important to doctors and other medical professionals, and if possible, you should try and keep track of how long the seizure lasts.
Do not restrain them.
Some people think that they need to hold a seizing person down, but this is not a good idea. Putting pressure on their body can cause stress and may end up doing more harm than good. Plus, you don’t want to also put yourself in danger, and trying to hold down a seizing person can mean that you get hurt in the process.
Keep everything out of their mouth.
Old urban legends talk about how seizing people can swallow their tongue, but this is untrue. Make sure that there is nothing in the mouth of a seizing person, as this can cause them to choke during the seizure. You also want to make sure that your hands are away from their mouth, as they could clamp down on your hands during the seizure and cause serious harm to you
Call 911.
Calmly ask someone else nearby to call 911 if possible. If not, you will have to do so while keeping a close eye on the person who is seizing. Having professional medical professionals arrive will be the best thing for the person having the seizure.
Turn them on their side.
Once the seizure has subsided, make sure to turn the person on their side. Many people experience post seizure vomiting, and you’ll want this person on their side to keep them from choking on their vomit.
Never leave them alone.
A seizing person should never be left alone. Make sure that you are always in the same area while the person is having a seizure. This can help keep harmful objects out of their way, and it will allow you to pay attention to things like time or actions that can be important for medical professionals to know.
Garrett Payne is an exercise fanatic & health expert. He shares information on the causes of seizures and how to deal with them via blogging.
As you narrow down your search, here are some of the top considerations to make when purchasing such a device
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Did you know that each year, sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) kills more than 250,000 Americans? This heart condition strikes without warning and requires immediate help if the person affected by it is to survive. An increasingly common fixture in businesses and public areas is an automated external defibrillator (AED). These lifesaving devices are used when somebody collapses to help restart the electrical patterns in the heart. Because of the importance they play in this relatively common condition, you may be considering the purchase of an AED, or multiple AEDs, for your organization.
As you narrow down your search, here are some of the top considerations to make when purchasing such a device.
1. What kind of training will you and your employees receive with the device?
There are a number of resources available where you and your staff can learn how to use one. This training is important, as it will increase the effectiveness of the device in case of an emergency.
2.Is the instrument up to date with the most recent technological developments?
Because of how common SCA is, manufacturers are constantly updating their technology to meet the latest innovations. This includes being lighter, easier to carry and easier to use.
3.Who will be using your AED?
Chances are that you do not require a sophisticated model and can purchase the most basic and easy-to-use device. This will help bystanders with little to no medical experience still use the device effectively. If you are purchasing one for a staff of people with medical backgrounds, you may want to consider getting a more complex system.
4.What are other customers saying about the model you are considering?
Just like any major purchase, reading reviews can give valuable insight into what you can expect from your purchase. Do a search online or talk to other companies who have an AED to see if they have ever had to use the device, and if so, what their experience was.
5.Do you need an AED for children?
If you frequently have children in your place of business, you may need a device for children as well as adults. There are different models for younger children that you should look into if this is the case.
As you search through various brands and manufacturers, consider the answers to these questions to help you make the best purchasing decision for your organization because your health is the most important thing.
Samantha really enjoys writing and one of her favorite things to write about happens to be health. If you'd like to learn more about external defibrillator, please visit http://www.aedbrands.com/
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When you are pregnant you are told that you should create a birthing plan, this can be quite confusing as you may struggle to understand what goes inside this plan. A birth plan is basically a record of what you would like to happen during your labour and after the birth. It is a good idea to create a birth plan as it will also give you the chance to speak to your midwife about what happens during labour; it will also give your midwife a chance to understand your wants and needs.
What Goes In Your Birth Plan?
Your birth plan has to be very personal to you and be based on your specific needs. Your birth plan should be focused on your medical history, circumstances, and what is available at your maternity service. When you go into labour, the midwife in charge is likely to ask you for your birthing plan, they will then use this to base any decisions they need to make.
You should be aware that what you have written in your birth plan won’t be carried out if complications arise or something you have requested is not available, the midwife in charge will make a safe decision with you and your baby’s best interests at heart.
What You Need To Consider
There are many things that you need to consider when creating your birth plan. Labour is not always straight forward so this is why birth plans are created so that your health, wishes and baby can be put first. Some things that you may wish to consider putting into your birth plan are:
Pain Relief
There are many different pain relief options, in your birth plan you should make a note of what pain relief you would to use if you need any and what pain relief you do not want to use.
Some women will choose the place that they want to give birth, this may be at home, in a hospital, in a birthing pool etc. It is important that you look into your different options to decide what location you want to give birth in.
Depending on your personal situation and circumstances, the place that you request to give birth isn’t always an option, so it is important that you include the 2nd location that you wish to give birth.
Invention and Instrumental Delivery
In some cases the midwife or doctor in charge may have to make the decision to intervene with your pregnancy if it is not going ahead as planned. If you are struggling to push your baby out and it is putting your baby in danger, then your doctor or midwife may choose to intervene with instruments such as forceps to help pull your baby out. You should note down your wishes on whether you would prefer instrumental delivery to be used during the birth, your wishes may not always be listened to if your baby is in danger.
Janet is a midwife and loves sharing advice on women’s healthcare to prepare women for labour. She gets all her helpful information from http://www.glowm.com/
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While in the womb, the child receives glucose through the placenta; and once born, receives glucose from either breast milk or formula, in addition to producing his own glucose, via the liver. Too little glucose can impair the ability of the baby's brain to function properly. Severe or prolonged hypoglycemia may, tragically, result in seizures, coma and serious brain injury.
There are any number of reasons a newborn can develop hypoglycemia; and it occurs in about 2 out of every 1,000 births. According to the American Association of Pediatrics, blood glucose levels should be measured in infants who have clinical indicators or who are known to be at risk. The AAP goes on to say that healthy, full-term newborns who experienced normal gestation and delivery don't require glucose monitoring or screening.
Common Hypoglycemic Symptoms
Each newborn may experience symptoms differently; and indicators can include:
1. Jitteriness
2. Abnormal blue coloring
3. Interrupted breathing--breathing can slow or stop, altogether
4. Poor feeding
5. Lethargy
6. Seizures/tremors
7. Exaggerated startle reflex
8. Sweatiness
9. Low body temperature
Symptoms of Neonatal Hypoglycemia can imitate other medical conditions; and parents should always seek the expertise of their baby's pediatrician for a thorough, concise diagnosis.
What Determines A Newborn's Treatment?
Targeted treatment for hypoglycemia will be based on various factors:
1. Baby's gestational age, general health and medical 'history'
2. Extent of the disease
3. Baby's tolerance to certain medications, interventions or treatments
Hypoglycemic Treatment For Newborns
A variety of measures can be employed to treat this disease in the very young:
1. extra feedings of breast milk or formula, or a rapid-acting source of glucose, such as glucose/water mixture, as an early feeding
2. an intravenously-fed sugar solution if child is unable to feed by mouth or if blood-sugar level is low
3. medication administered if low blood-sugar continues, though this is rare~
Hospital staff will continue with treatment for hours, days or a week, if necessary, until child can maintain normal blood-sugar levels.
Thank goodness we live in a wonderful age where highly-qualified medical specialists can work wonders with helping the tiniest of humans become healthy, after experiencing hypoglycemia at such a young age! Though complications can occur, the outlook is good for newborns who respond well to treatment.
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