If you are looking for a cost- effective, safe, and long lasting means of hair removal, waxing is the way to go. "
Hair removal is something almost everyone chooses to do at some point in their life. Women often spend countless hours of their grooming routine completing some sort of hair removal including shaving, tweezing, waxing, and even using creams that dissolve hair. The process of hair removal can be expensive, time consuming, and potentially irritating to the skin.
Shaving and Hair Removal Creams
The two hair removal methods that are the most harsh on skin are shaving and hair removal creams. Both of these methods require low upfront costs. Unfortunately, neither one of these methods lasts very long. Many hair removal creams claim they will last several weeks. This may be true for people that have very thin or fine body hair, but for those with normal or thick, fast growing hair, these creams will not last any longer than shaving. Why? This is because they only remove hair at the surface of the skin or very slightly below, just like shaving only removes the hair at the surface of the skin.
Most people that decide to use shaving as a means of hair removal will find they need to do it at least every other day, if not daily, in order to keep their skin looking and feeling smooth. This process can be irritating to skin, especially if quality razors and shaving creams are not used. Razors can leave your skin feeling dry with red bumps and unsightly ingrown hairs. Hair removal creams can be equally irritating. In fact, if left on the skin too long or used on sensitive skin, these creams can actually leave chemical burns on the skin.
A Better Option
If you are looking for a cost- effective, safe, and long lasting means of hair removal, waxing is the way to go. This is true for the entire body. Waxing works well for legs, eye brows, arms, armpits, the bikini line, and even Brazilian style hair removal.
Although it may not seem like it, waxing is actually a very good choice for hair removal on sensitive skin. This is because it only needs to be completed once every few weeks, some people can even go a month or more between waxing. The longer you wax, the longer you will find you can go between waxing appointments at the salon or at home if you choose to do it yourself.
Over time, the roots to the hair become weaker, causing the hair to become thinner, weaker, and easier to remove. Because it does not need to be completed every few days, Brazilian waxing is a great option for those that choose to go completely bare. The bikini area is especially prone to irritation and ingrown hairs from shaving or other hair removal practices. These problems are rare with waxing and become less and less common as your skin adjust to the waxing process.
Cost Effective
Brazilian waxing and other body waxing practices are perhaps the most cost effective means of hair removal available today. The upfront cost may be slightly higher than shaving or hair removal creams, but the effects last much longer, requiring fewer purchases to be made in the long run. The irritation that can be caused by other forms of hair removal can also increase the costs incurred by the consumer because additional creams or medications to soothe the area must also be purchased.
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source : http://flic.kr/p/8VPTAN Photo license: Some rights reserved |
Panic attacks generally peak at about ten minutes in and
then start a slow decline that can last anywhere from a few minutes to several
hours. Because of this, waiting out the panic attack is possible, but there are
strategies you can use to reduce the severity of the panic attack while it's
Strategies to Reduce Panic Attack Severity
Reducing the severity of a panic attack is valuable from a
treatment perspective, because the more severe a panic attack is, the more the
person will fear future attacks. Since fear of panic attacks can create panic
attacks, the more every panic attack is kept under control the better. Some
strategies to help those with panic attacks include:
- Get Them to Talk
Panic attacks are worse when the person is "in their
own head" and focusing too much on their symptoms and the attack. Panic
attacks tend to be at their most severe when someone is trying to fix them on
their own while letting their mind wander to all of the worst case scenarios.
If you can get them to talk, it can help them stay in reality and give them the
right kind of distraction for reducing their panic attack severity.
- Count Breathing – Help Breathing
Most of the severe symptoms of panic attacks come from
hyperventilation, because during a panic attack the person tries too hard to
breathe in oxygen – either breathing too quickly or breathing in too much air
without holding it. This reduces carbon dioxide levels in the body because
you're breathing out CO2 faster than your body needs to. Without carbon
dioxide, your entire body works harder.
This is what causes chest pains, lightheadedness, and
interestingly the feeling as though you're not getting enough oxygen. Unfortunately,
this causes the person to breathe in faster and try to get deeper breaths
rather than slow their breathing to regain CO2.
That's why you can coach them to slow down their breathing.
Have them breathe in for about 5 seconds, hold for 2 or 3 seconds, and breathe
out for 7 seconds. Count for them to make sure that they're breathing slower in
order to prevent the symptoms of hyperventilation from getting worse.
- Walking
Some people find that walking provides great relief from
anxiety symptoms. See if you can get them moving or walking around. It's
unclear why walking has benefits, but it likely gets blood flowing and improve
breathing patterns in a way that individuals are not doing on their own with
anxiety. Some people with panic attacks experience severe dizziness, so walking
isn't always possible, but some type of movement may be beneficial.
Helping Someone
Overcome Panic Attacks
Panic attacks will always be stressful events, and once the
attack comes it's hard to turn it off completely. But there are strategies that
you can complete that will help the person with the panic attack cope with it
The most important thing to do, however, is not tell them
how to feel or do anything that makes them feel embarrassed. The more they open
up and share without worrying about whether they'll be judged, the more they'll
feel that someone is taking care of them, and that makes recovering from panic
attacks much better.
About the Author: Ryan Rivera had severe panic attacks himself, and
speaks from experience about what he needed to overcome them. He writes about
panic attacks at www.calmclinic.com.
Many people suffer from seizures and if you ever see it happen it can be scary. Here are some tips on how to deal with a situation when someone has a seizure
Photo license: Some rights reserved http://flic.kr/p/787suA |
Seeing someone have a seizure can be one of the scariest things you’ll experience. This person has lost all control of their body, which has resulted in them thrusting around and shaking uncontrollably.Unfortunately, all seizures are different. Some can last for a few seconds while others can last for minutes, and if you’re not trained in how to handle a seizure, you could end up causing even more harm to the seizing individual or even to yourself.If you ever find yourself in a situation where someone is seizing, the following are ways that you can help
Keep calm.
The first time you see someone seize you will feel a variety of different emotions, but it’s very important that you keep calm. Not only will this ensure that you are doing everything you possibly can, but it can also help keep others calm and help make the process easier on everyone involved.
Move everything out of the way.
A seizing person does not have control of their body, and their strong thrusts can move them around a room at a quick pace. Because of this, it’s very important that you clear the area as quickly as you can of anything that can cause harm. Move chairs, toys, furniture and any other movable objects out of the way so that they don’t cause harm if the seizing person were to hit them.
Try to keep time.
Knowing how long a seizure lasts is important to doctors and other medical professionals, and if possible, you should try and keep track of how long the seizure lasts.
Do not restrain them.
Some people think that they need to hold a seizing person down, but this is not a good idea. Putting pressure on their body can cause stress and may end up doing more harm than good. Plus, you don’t want to also put yourself in danger, and trying to hold down a seizing person can mean that you get hurt in the process.
Keep everything out of their mouth.
Old urban legends talk about how seizing people can swallow their tongue, but this is untrue. Make sure that there is nothing in the mouth of a seizing person, as this can cause them to choke during the seizure. You also want to make sure that your hands are away from their mouth, as they could clamp down on your hands during the seizure and cause serious harm to you
Call 911.
Calmly ask someone else nearby to call 911 if possible. If not, you will have to do so while keeping a close eye on the person who is seizing. Having professional medical professionals arrive will be the best thing for the person having the seizure.
Turn them on their side.
Once the seizure has subsided, make sure to turn the person on their side. Many people experience post seizure vomiting, and you’ll want this person on their side to keep them from choking on their vomit.
Never leave them alone.
A seizing person should never be left alone. Make sure that you are always in the same area while the person is having a seizure. This can help keep harmful objects out of their way, and it will allow you to pay attention to things like time or actions that can be important for medical professionals to know.
Garrett Payne is an exercise fanatic & health expert. He shares information on the causes of seizures and how to deal with them via blogging.
Photo license: Some rights reserved http://flic.kr/p/cU2321 |
When you are pregnant you are told that you should create a birthing plan, this can be quite confusing as you may struggle to understand what goes inside this plan. A birth plan is basically a record of what you would like to happen during your labour and after the birth. It is a good idea to create a birth plan as it will also give you the chance to speak to your midwife about what happens during labour; it will also give your midwife a chance to understand your wants and needs.
What Goes In Your Birth Plan?
Your birth plan has to be very personal to you and be based on your specific needs. Your birth plan should be focused on your medical history, circumstances, and what is available at your maternity service. When you go into labour, the midwife in charge is likely to ask you for your birthing plan, they will then use this to base any decisions they need to make.
You should be aware that what you have written in your birth plan won’t be carried out if complications arise or something you have requested is not available, the midwife in charge will make a safe decision with you and your baby’s best interests at heart.
What You Need To Consider
There are many things that you need to consider when creating your birth plan. Labour is not always straight forward so this is why birth plans are created so that your health, wishes and baby can be put first. Some things that you may wish to consider putting into your birth plan are:
Pain Relief
There are many different pain relief options, in your birth plan you should make a note of what pain relief you would to use if you need any and what pain relief you do not want to use.
Some women will choose the place that they want to give birth, this may be at home, in a hospital, in a birthing pool etc. It is important that you look into your different options to decide what location you want to give birth in.
Depending on your personal situation and circumstances, the place that you request to give birth isn’t always an option, so it is important that you include the 2nd location that you wish to give birth.
Invention and Instrumental Delivery
In some cases the midwife or doctor in charge may have to make the decision to intervene with your pregnancy if it is not going ahead as planned. If you are struggling to push your baby out and it is putting your baby in danger, then your doctor or midwife may choose to intervene with instruments such as forceps to help pull your baby out. You should note down your wishes on whether you would prefer instrumental delivery to be used during the birth, your wishes may not always be listened to if your baby is in danger.
Janet is a midwife and loves sharing advice on women’s healthcare to prepare women for labour. She gets all her helpful information from http://www.glowm.com/
Photo license: Some rights reserved source : http://flic.kr/p/5W8Zet |
While in the womb, the child receives glucose through the placenta; and once born, receives glucose from either breast milk or formula, in addition to producing his own glucose, via the liver. Too little glucose can impair the ability of the baby's brain to function properly. Severe or prolonged hypoglycemia may, tragically, result in seizures, coma and serious brain injury.
There are any number of reasons a newborn can develop hypoglycemia; and it occurs in about 2 out of every 1,000 births. According to the American Association of Pediatrics, blood glucose levels should be measured in infants who have clinical indicators or who are known to be at risk. The AAP goes on to say that healthy, full-term newborns who experienced normal gestation and delivery don't require glucose monitoring or screening.
Common Hypoglycemic Symptoms
Each newborn may experience symptoms differently; and indicators can include:
1. Jitteriness
2. Abnormal blue coloring
3. Interrupted breathing--breathing can slow or stop, altogether
4. Poor feeding
5. Lethargy
6. Seizures/tremors
7. Exaggerated startle reflex
8. Sweatiness
9. Low body temperature
Symptoms of Neonatal Hypoglycemia can imitate other medical conditions; and parents should always seek the expertise of their baby's pediatrician for a thorough, concise diagnosis.
What Determines A Newborn's Treatment?
Targeted treatment for hypoglycemia will be based on various factors:
1. Baby's gestational age, general health and medical 'history'
2. Extent of the disease
3. Baby's tolerance to certain medications, interventions or treatments
Hypoglycemic Treatment For Newborns
A variety of measures can be employed to treat this disease in the very young:
1. extra feedings of breast milk or formula, or a rapid-acting source of glucose, such as glucose/water mixture, as an early feeding
2. an intravenously-fed sugar solution if child is unable to feed by mouth or if blood-sugar level is low
3. medication administered if low blood-sugar continues, though this is rare~
Hospital staff will continue with treatment for hours, days or a week, if necessary, until child can maintain normal blood-sugar levels.
Thank goodness we live in a wonderful age where highly-qualified medical specialists can work wonders with helping the tiniest of humans become healthy, after experiencing hypoglycemia at such a young age! Though complications can occur, the outlook is good for newborns who respond well to treatment.
Miss Carlson writes regularly on health related topics and recommends companies like quicksticks.com for diabetics.
Photo license: Some rights reserved source : http://flic.kr/p/6dT92k |
Caring for an Alzheimer’s patient requires the caregiver to possess a special set of skills and a deep understanding of the disease. It can be a challenge to meet the needs of the patient as the disease progresses. Dealing with an Alzheimer’s patient on a daily basis requires patience and a caring nature.
Communicate Clearly
When you are communicating with an Alzheimer’s patient it is important to keep it simple. Your words should be simple and keep your sentences short. Make sure your responses when you are having a conversation with the patient as well as when you are giving directions to the patient are short and clear. It is best not to argue with the patient. Alzheimer’s patients can become easily confused and upset when they are contradicted. Don’t argue or correct the patient, instead simply redirect his or her attention to a new topic. In addition, in order to keep the patient focused on what you are saying, it is important to make eye contact and minimize any potential distractions.
Establish a Routine
Alzheimer’s patients respond best to a daily routine. This is because as the routine becomes familiar and he or she knows what to expect. As you establish a routine it is a good idea to let the patient know what is expected of him or her next. For instance, if it is time for the daily bath, tell the patient the steps you both will follow in order to accomplish the bath. This procedure takes the fear of the unknown out of the process and gives the patient something to focus his or her attention on. Among nursing home jobs, becoming a caregiver for an Alzheimer’s patient is one of the most challenging and one of the most rewarding jobs.
Be Positive
Perhaps the most important requirement for working with Alzheimer’s patients is to be positive in your interactions with them. They now inhabit a confusing and sometimes frightening world due to this disease so the caregiver needs to reassure the patient with positive reinforcement. The very nature of the disease ensures that the patient will make mistakes and experience misunderstandings. It is to be expected. As a caregiver, it is your job to help the patient experience life in a safe and positive environment. Most nursing home jobs require that the caregiver possess a warm and caring nature in order to deal with patients that can sometimes be difficult.
I am a blog writer with an interest in home care jobs and opportunities. I contribute to health and medical blogs whenever I have free time.